Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Ah hahhaha I don't imagine Mr V, but I do love that show. I watched before it (apparently) became the most popular comedy series in Latin America, I downloaded the episodes as they were released in the U.S. :p (just as I'm doing with Heroes and Desperate Housewives. Long live torrents! :rock:)
Ugh 'The Big Bang Theory'?:S I can't believe anyone actually thinks that show is funny.:/ I watched a few episodes and I could barely get through any of them. I could hardly keep myself from screaming at the TV.:S I GET IT! THEY'RE GEEKS WHO AREN'T GOOD WITH LADIES! Enough with the stupid stereotypes and clichés already!:/ And so forth. Brilliant comedy shows like 'Arrested Development' get canceled, but people love 'The Big Bang Theory'.:/ Oh well. Life is not fair. At least I still have 30 Rock. And Futurama is coming back.<3
I love 'Big Bang Theory' and I will not apologize for that. Probably because they remind me of my coworkers :lol:

I also discovered that I can get from Seattle to Forks, WA via the bus and ferry. Sorely tempted to do this once summer comes - Twilight land ahoy!
Ugh 'The Big Bang Theory'?:S I can't believe anyone actually thinks that show is funny.:/ I watched a few episodes and I could barely get through any of them. I could hardly keep myself from screaming at the TV.:S I GET IT! THEY'RE GEEKS WHO AREN'T GOOD WITH LADIES! Enough with the stupid stereotypes and clichés already!:/ And so forth. Brilliant comedy shows like 'Arrested Development' get canceled, but people love 'The Big Bang Theory'.:/ Oh well. Life is not fair. At least I still have 30 Rock. And Futurama is coming back.<3

Well it's not 'just a bunch of geeks', they're physicists too! Didn't you watch the show? ;) There's a new Arrested Development movie coming up, though.
I don't really like Big Bang Theory either, and I'm a programmer. :lol: I get all the nerdy jokes, they're just not really funny.
I love 'Big Bang Theory' and I will not apologize for that. Probably because they remind me of my coworkers :lol:

Oh, I don't want you to apologize for it or anything.:D You're allowed to have your own opinion.

There's a new Arrested Development movie coming up, though.

True! And I'm very excited about it. Seriously though, Arrested Development is definitely one of the greatest comedy shows of all time.:/ Whoever hasn't seen it, shame on you! If you like comedy, you must get this show somewhere and watch it!

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You got laid?

haha, that was a nice one :D

no, seriously. It just didn't look good. But that differs from person to person. So, I'm fine now with shorter hair. I had had long hair for like 5 years so I couldn't even imagine it would look better short, but then I had to cut it off due to military duty and well, it was the better decision (not mine, though :lol:).

That it changed my life was just a little exaggeration ;)
cutting long hair off because of the military service or because of getting bald are ones of the very few reasons i could agree with. Can't think of anything else right now that could justify it for me... :rolleyes:
just my opinion, relax guys :p
i just love men with long hair, and when even the most die-hard long haired guys cut their hair off, it makes me sad and disappointed. :cry: Job is not good enough excuse for me, sorry. Misanthropic, individualist and non conformist as i am, i cannot stand the idea of your boss telling you to cut your hair off. It's just plain wrong. The whole idea just makes my stomach turn. :Puke:After all, women do wear long hair all the time don't they?? So why would men have to cut it? And then, there are millions of other jobs where it's ok to have long hair.

Not wanting it anymore by yourself is a very good reason! :lol: but mostly it's not a reason in itself, mostly there would be some other reasons like why you don't want it anymore :) Like, you're tired of all those hairs hanging in front of your eyes all the time and blocking your vision etc etc, but such reasons are just too weak for me :p oh well, have i already told you i prefer men with long hair :Saint:

Edit: whoa tobz, just saw your new av. picture: cuuuuuute! :D don't ever cut that hair off!! :p
i suppose it depends from how your hair are.
if you make a pony tail, a tidy and clean updo, also long hair can be accepted in a lot of working-places.
my boyfriend has long hair too and he works in a school. he has worked in schools for 10 years, now he is employed in a high-school but before he worked in a elementary school :lol: and he never had problems with his hair...
my prof at the high school had long hair too...he was a metal head!!!! (he played in a band too :)) he came to work with texan boots, dressed in black and leather jackets :rock:
Many of my friends in the states had to cut their hair because of job. It's a part of growing up, and doing what you have to do to survive. Making good money is lots more important than just having long hair. Many jobs don't allow much facial hair either
^ yep you're right, that's why it saddens me. Everything seems to be about money. Call me naive or childish or idealist, my personal freedom and being myself is more important to me than making good money. But everyone has their own priorities.
I'm in England. The food is bad and people's teeth are even worse.

But damn, London is cool. I'm staying in Brixton, which is like 1/3 Brit, 1/3 Arab, 1/3 West African. I can get Halal meat down the street! Good luck getting sausage around here.

Yes!!! London is simply excellent, and oh so much better than Paris (ah ha ha ha get it? :lol:) . I think it's a great city to visit, but perhaps not one to live in. Londoners are too cold for my taste. My father's still a bit like that, even though he grew up in Canada and has lived in C.R. for 25 years :p . If you're born there, it really gets to you hahahaha :lol: .

And concerning long hair, I love mine :) . But it's hard to keep it clean, especially when you live in tropical countries like Costa Rica hehe. It requires lots of money since I need to wash it every two days, and a lot of time too. That's why I take a bath every two days hahahaha. It's much easier here in Canada, I noticed it'd get as dirty as it gets in 2 days in C.R. in 4 days. (At least in Winter.)