Alexi Laiho vs Roope Latvala

I like Vai and Gilbert pretty much but only as solo performer. I always enjoy watching them playing some solos or when Gilbert show us some new techniques and stuff but in a band I don't like them so much. But:

Masterpiece: Echo song. The idea is just brilliant.
Really? You don't like Racer X? I mean, songs like 17th Moon, Snakebite, Hammer Away, Heart Of A Lion (much better than the Priest version)... are fucking awesome songs and include too some awesome shredding.
^ I personally am not a fan of the Racer X vocalist (was never into the whole Judas Priest thing that much). I'd like the songs more if they were just instrumental. Simply put though, Paul is a fuckin Demigod regardless of who else is in his band :p

Although I enjoy the vocalist in the song 'Superheroes,' I think he fits his role well there.
Roope had huge influence on Alexis tone and playing therfore i think its justified to say that without Roope, Alexi would not be the same. (Dunno if he would be more original otherwise, but i doubt) In the end this is just worthless speculation.
Jari kicks besaically everyones ass, hes out of the decision :D

quote... beacuse jari from wintersun (for my opinion) is the god of the guitarist in finland he have 1 year and half on alexi but he didnt many album but what he did with ensiferum and wintersun is awesome!
i think that jari is more better like a shredder i mean than roope and alexi... did you listen to winter madness of wintersun??? jari does sweep picking for one minute (with tapping also)
so for me....
1°Jari Mäenpää
2°Alexi Laiho
3°Teemu Mäntysaari (wintersun)
4°Roope Latvala
Idk, honestly. whenever i see the two play, I seem to goggle more over Alexi then Roope. Maybe that's just a teenage girl thing, but Alexi has also inspired me more. And I think Alexi being known as a guitar legend and Roope not? Idk, just my opinion. Both amazing guitarists of course.