AlexiFollower said:
there goes my idea of trying to be a Finland citizen
Well, not completely. You see, there's this law in Finland that if one hasn't done military service by the age of 29, he doesn't have to do it at all. So if you apply for citizenship after you've turned 29, there's nothing they can do about it.
And if someone didn't quite get it yet: military service is mandatory in Finland, but it isn't that hard to try to avoid it. It's enough if you have some kind of "important job/educational things to do" and you can get it postponed year after year. Also different kind of injuries or disabilities will lead to either postponing or to a decision that you don't have to do military service. For example a friend of mine has so weak eyesight that they "didn't let him do military service".
And, if you don't want to do 6, 9 or 12 months learning how to use different weaponry etc., you can do 13 months of civil service. And if you're totally against serving your country (or just happen to have some religious/other principles that are against it or sg like that), you can choose to go to prison for 6-7months (I'm not so sure about how long a time it is, but over 6 months anyways. ~MarttiPrkl probably knows better).
Hmm, maybe I explained it yet more confusingly than anyone before, but it's pretty much all there.