Alexi's shit USA and laugh

mtlgtrplr5467 said:
First of all. If you think they changed the shape of the guitar because they wanted to. your a moron. The reason Alexi didnt have a model out for the us in the first place was because jackson could easily sue esp because of they use the Randy Rhoads shape. Just like Gibson sued Esp a while ago for copying the Explorer shape for their Mx guitar. So they had to change the shape a little to make it legal. Yeah so dont talk unless u no wat your talking about. And there is nothing wrong with the new Models. I think the US models are fuckin sick. god damned noobs . ruin everything (shakes head)

and it was just cause that first kid that started the thread completeley pist me off with his ignorance and had no clue wat he was tlakin about.
mtlgtrplr5467 said:
i do like it... but i was just tryin to explain to these idiots why it was changed.
god you seriously are a n00b.+100000000000000000000 means i was agreing with you!
i pretty much did skip over the other 200 posts before me.. i thought the titlle of this discussion was reall ignorant as so the first comment on it. and it pissed me off.
Elysian893 said:
thats extremely gay.
"i dont give a flying fuck mother fucker" about what you think:Spin: ive been drooling over the japanesee models for a long time and now that i dont have to pay up the ass to get one i dont care he moved one of the wings a couple inches. its still offset if you look at it from the side.