happiness is jagermiester
several, M-II's a grynch, vipers, horizon's all of em were crap to me, like I said my moser owns the shit out of em
3SP-0WN5 said:lol grynch is LTD.what does your moser have that it owns ESP?
goth_fiend said:just an all around better playing guitar, the neck feels better, the setup is legendary (done by none other then neal moser himself) the pickups are downright evil, with the booster engaged it gets downright nasty, it just plain feels better then any ESP or pretty much any other guitar I have ever played, and FYI, the grynch was made as both ESP and ltd models(i used to be a metallica whore)
Heavenscent said:I want a fucking Moser.
goth_fiend said:I have oneand i have 2 more on the way, but those are going to take a REEALLLY LONG TIME (2 1/2 year wait on handmades right now)
gkelter said:Someone should just delete this ENTIRE fucking forum already.
Heavenscent said:Damn you, i demand you sell me one
Hylian said:Yeah, Jackson guitars would now come with a small carved line on the neck/headstock to deposit and sniff cocaine.
3SP-0WN5 said:out of all the places he chose this shithole?