Alexi's Skill Decreasing?

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NO i dont think so!

im my opinion i think that C.O.B. should seriously read this fuckin thread!!!

its just the truth...everyone's hiding it...but....this is just the truth.....
Enemy242 said:
now they can headline american and european tours and sell out shows he is at the top. back in 98 they probably had to work thier asses off to fill a venue and they had to play perfectly so that they could impress people. now that he's so big he probably feels he can just party it up and stop practicing because no one cares which is partly true because i have a feeling a lot of the new fans or mallgoths really don't either notice or care about how he's playing compared to the old days. its sad, but hopefully he'll realize why he dropped out of highschool and why he spent all that time practicing and try to master the guitar again.
Totally man....i definitly agree. this is why I doubt Alexi can handle Sinergy anymore....Suicide By My Side is by far the sickest album Alexi has ever played on, ever solo is insane and ever riff has mad things goin on.....he was in the zone then.....I believe he has lost it but i'm waiting for new sinergy to decide that for me. It's not fair, I study Bodom like a motherfucker, and when i see them live and i see that not ever note is hit and he skims over important parts, i get upset. Symphony X never misses a note, neither does Necrophagist. and that music is way more complex than Bodom............I need Alexi to start practicing again
Well Cob probably dosent like to write the same stuff. I agree, they should always keep the Cob level of musicianship, songwriting, etc... But they are gonna do what they want. As far as hot topic selling cob stuff, That seriously will put a mainstream name. Dont worry though. Most people go to hot topic to select shirts with odd band names such as cannibal corpse, skinny puppy, etc.. or images to get noticed. They dont really listen to the music. But yeah, that really sucks. The fact is they need money to keep producing albums and will get money through hot topic and shit like that. But if they stick there name on everything, it will be a nightmare for us true bodom fans.
eggo said:
alexi is going to drink himself to death

lets hope we can get one more good album out of him before he does so

agreed. he drinks too much. 95% of the pictures I have of him depict him with a beer bottle in his hand!
children of COB said:
I thought that no one was going to post anything decent,because this forum(not only this thread,the whole forum)seems more an against-Children Of Bodom forum than a Children Of Bodom fans forum.Why the 99'9% of people of this thread spends the day criticising Alexi or COB?If you don't like them,then leave the forum,it's easier and you won't have to spend your time posting about something that you don't like;and if you like it,don't spend every moment criticising it.

Completely agree with you,Enemy242.

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