all new "NP" thread -

Dark_Silence said:
Dimmu Borgir - Vredesbyrd


Reis deg opp
La oss bestride
Den tanke fra vår lend

Og dyrk
På en forbannet jord
En smertens ætt

For så og tynge
De barmhjertiges skjød
Som har tiltro til
Den sjelloses brød

For den tro du besitter
Er intet annet enn avsmak og hovmod
Og din nøden etter viten
Er en overflod av hån og skjend

Smerten i mitt hjerte er ikke tørste
Etter himmelsk legeme

Ei er det sviktende søken etter englemakt
Det er ilden og den brenner
Det er bare det at du
Skjemmer for den

Ta del i skyldens skygge
Behag din sjel med syndens under
For hvor er vel du
Når lampen slukkes

Men døden kommer ei
Med vårt bud
Gjenklang fra den prektiges arv
Vil innfri det endelige forderv

[repeat 1st, 2nd and 4rd verse]

Bring dom over andre en ditt eget hode
Der du gjemmer din skam i lovsang
Så skal du få smake frukten
Av din egen bortgang

Som en flokk av helveds opphav
Og forvaltere av foraktens sønn
Parerer vi deres list med avskyens prakt
Med beviset på vår tunge byrde
Ligger deres sinn i åndenød
Skamfert tilbake uten makt​

Ahhh what a great song!!! :headbang: :worship: :headbang:

I think it is one of the few recent DB songs that are worth something. I just really love when Shgrath sings in Norwegian..., makes me kinda horny actually hehe *oh no what will I do when I go to Norway? I'll have to kiss everyone I see!!! o_O :p *

It's one opf my fave songs of DB along with "In Death's Embrace". That's the best one IMO :headbang: :worship: :kickass: :headbang: .

Right now I'm listening to unExpect: In Velvet Coffins We Slept.

Profane Omen - "Rewind"

A freely downloadable song from their new album "Beaten into Submission". And it rocks! :headbang:

I can't wait to get the actual album - curse the slowness of Finnish postal system... :bah:

Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing

I wish I could play that... It doesnt sound very good on a Jackson guitar with EMG HZ pickups :p, and the rhythm is hard to do, and sometimes some guitar player can take only 2 notes and make them sound a special way (and its really hard for other people to get the feeling right...)

Don't wanna hear the news
What's going on
What's coming through
I don't wanna know
Don't wanna know
Just wanna hide away
Make my my escape
I want the world
To leave me alone
Feels like I feel too much
I've seen too much
For a little while
I want to forget

I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
Wanna be numb

Can't find no space to breathe
World's closing in
Right on me now
Well that's how it feels
That's how it feels
Too much light
There's too much sound
Wanna turn it off
Wanna shut it out
I need some relief
Think that like I think too much
I've seen too much
There is just too much
Thought in my head

I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
Wanna be
Taken away from all the madness
Need to escape
Escape from the pain
I'm out on the edge
About to lose my mind
For a little while
For a little while
I wanna be numb

I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I don't wanna feel this pain no more
Wanna lose touch
I just wanna go and lock the door
I don't wanna think
I don't wanna feel nothing
I wanna be numb
I just wanna be
Wanna be numb
I just wanna be
Wanna be numb


pet shop boys - numb
^good album*g*
today Im going to Blind Guardian and thats why I listen the whole day to them.
Np:Blind Guardian-The live album

and I just found out how Astral Doors who plays with BG today sounds:
Like shit.some kind of old school heavy metal band with a singer who cant sing. arggrh. total waste of time to see them. I hate this classic heavy metal
bands :puke:
solefald said:
^good album*g*
today Im going to Blind Guardian and thats why I listen the whole day to them.
Np:Blind Guardian-The live album

and I just found out how Astral Doors who plays with BG today sounds:
Like shit.some kind of old school heavy metal band with a singer who cant sing. arggrh. total waste of time to see them. I hate this classic heavy metal
bands :puke:

Damn you, I want to see BG live so.fucking.bad. I think it's the band I want to see the most. BG, DT, Orphaned Land and uneXpect.

What's incredibly funny is that by the time in which I'll be in Europe they'll be touring the US. Crap :puke: .

Oh well, have a good time :headbang: .
King Chaos said:
The Haunted - Medication.

Amazing. I like it. Even with a complete spaz on vocals, Anders' riffs still give me chills.
I was just listening to that

The Haunted - The Dead Eye
just got back for 2 days at my "old home" and so the good old i-net so i use the chance to post as well:

Autumn Forever -TO/DIE/FOR