all new "NP" thread -

I know he meant that. Geez, what is wrong with you people? "Yeah, I get you" sounds to me like he thought I was implying something, but there wasn't anything to get since it was just a question.
Blah, mornings.

Np: Paatos - Still Standing
*scratches head*
I'm not sure if you did get me, since I wasn't implying anything. :p Just a question.

Np: Disturbed - Land of Confusion

Well, apparently I didnt, but if this is the way you normally ask questions, then I think Im not alone. I definitely felt the irony there, and actually liked it, so please dont spoil it for me. I think I have already answered your question, but once more - I find the stuff they made under the name of Crown of Thorns better than the later stuff (although Crowned in Terror kicks ass).
It's entirely your fault and not mine if you see irony in a sentence that merely suggests that I like The Crown very much and in which I'm inquiring whether Crown of Thorns might match that greatness. :p

I don't even see what there is in it to be ironic over. The band changed its name, whoopee.
You lie, because you knew that The Crown and Crown of Thorns were the same band. That given, asking a question if Crown of Thorns is as good as The Crown is definitely not as innocent as you pretend it to be. I could either take it that you dont know they were the same band, or as a joke. I chose the third option, I said haha, and replied as if the first option was true. But maybe I was giving you the credit you didnt deserve, which, true, is only my fault. :)
You lie, because you knew that The Crown and Crown of Thorns were the same band. That given, asking a question if Crown of Thorns is as good as The Crown is definitely not as innocent as you pretend it to be.

I think it's more subjective than you imagine it to be. The proper way to formulate the question being "Is their material released as Crown of Thorns better or worse than their records as The Crown?", it didn't sound particularly ambiguous to my ears the way he shortened it: just quicker and based on the assumption everybody (or at least you) knew they're the same band.
Well, apparently I didnt, but if this is the way you normally ask questions, then I think Im not alone.

Probably you are, after all :D at least in this one here, I didn´t understand TFH´s question as intended offence or teasing, rather the way rahvin re-phrased it.

NP: Poisonblack, because I saw their concert yesterday :dopey: