Almost cut my hair...

I shower every day. Probably as I exercise a lot and my old job involved running around a large faculty. Also, because I'm a girly-girl and like to feel clean. My bath-stuff also is really yummy scented.

Hmm... I need my hair styled again. I hate going to the stylist, but I need to.
One Inch Man said:
I'll bet you're in that inbetween stage where it's long enough to be everywhere, but not long enough to put in a ponytail so you don't look homeless. I've been at that stage like 6 times and I always chop it off.
I hated that's definately the worst bit of growing your hair long. Getting past that bit is a great excercise of patience, as well as putting up with kids giving their unwanted opinion of your moppy hair. Short-hairs are so gay!

Sometimes I consider cutting my hair, when I feel a bit tired of where I'm at now. But it's not hard to talk yourself out of it. The shorthair thing would get very tired very soon, and then you just end up looking like every other gimp out there. Boring!