How long is your hair?

me rockin the mullet, nah thats just my halloween costume, my hair is really short.

At first I had no intentions on commenting here, being as how I'm not really one to make a big deal of hair. But, what the fuck... My hair is really bad as far as length goes. Its currently down to my shoulders right now, but it has a natural tendancy to puff out too. Luckily this time around, its growing the way I want, but usually I just end up with the Beetles look.
i guess the thing is that outside of metal shows and what not, you're not going to run into lots of women who like super-long hair on men... we're out there, but we're not the mainstream. just like in a normal day, i don't see lots of guys with long hair. it's just not part of what most americans think looks good on men.
but i say that God made us all able to grow long hair, so He must have thought guys looked good with long hair. shit, all those pics of his Son show Him with long hair!!!
Heh heh, mine's not long at all. It's about down to the middle of my ear. :( I'm growing it though. Hopefully by the time I go to this private Catholic HS next year it'll be shoulder-length (and hopefully they won't make me hack it off)