Amon Amarth comming to the states!

I am paying $600 fucking dollars to go to toronto to see them.
fucking pissed.

*on another note, going to Megadeth wed. night.
Nordisk Krigstromme said:
I am paying $600 fucking dollars to go to toronto to see them.
fucking pissed.

*on another note, going to Megadeth wed. night.

where are you coming from? for $600 i might as well save some more and go somewhere interesting to see them...
Belgar said:
I guess we will be seeing them in Tampa and a few other places ... fly southwest ... funny aircrew and pilot cracking jokes before take off ...

"so did you hear the one about the plane that plunged 30,000 feet into a mountain?"

*laughs ensue*

"i hope you guys are ready for a bumpy ride, because were missing the left engine!"

*loud laughter*
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Are you people just joking with SWA? I once flew with NWA and had a stewardess with quite an attitude problem. Needless to say, she was black. In retrospective, and at the time too I must admit, it was quite amusing.

um... planes suck anyhow. just take some hydrocodone before the flight and it'll be over before you know it.

and if you crash you wont feel a damn thing.
I'm seeing them first in Denver, then in Florida! It's gonna be so awesome. I plan on being so wasted and getting kicked off the stage a few times.
Brainkisser said:
November 27 - Hollywood, CA @ House of Blues
I'm going to this show. It'll be my first time seeing Amon Amarth .
Tomasz said:
good thing they're not playing in New Orleans as they potentially would need their long boat
So true.

I might have to hit up the Florida show. I missed them in Iceland last year, damn work.
masque is okay i guess.. i hate it because its generaly to big for metal shows. it looks like it can hold like 500people or something and the most a metal show brings in is like 70. so it makes the scene look realy dead. however if you pack 70 people into the brass mug. hell is sure to arise this night.
masquerade is a solid venue, with Trivium and CoB there, scenester kids will no doubt fill it up. They used to be cool, but i bet security will be a bitch now because someone was stabbed to death at a corrosion of conformity show a few months ago.