Amorphis good or not?

So basically your meme indicates there's no correlation between listening to black metal and having shitty taste? I was never good at reading these regression analyses.

The point is that the more one is around black metal, the more one tends to not like black metal. This is like algebra 1 m8.
Good band. Elegy is their best. The first few with the new singer were great. Since then, it's all samey, though not bad. Looking forward to seeing them in October.
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I've given Tales from the Thousand Lakes several chances and I just can't take it seriously. It's a shame too seeing how iconic the cover art is. I honestly haven't heard anything past it.

As much as I like The Karelian Isthmus, it does sound uninspired compared to Privilege of Evil. Even the songs that appear on both releases sound much better on the latter.
To answer the initial question: Amorphis good disment of soul best, later stuff a lot of poop.