And the nominees are..

Who should be the next mod

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I figured Zeph would win, despite my smear campaign. Congrats broseph, I know you'll make a good mod.

Thanks to all those that supported me in my brief campaign. If I had to pinpoint the reasons for defeat, I would say that my core demographics of sideburned australians and philadelphian comedians just aren't well represented enough on this forum. There's always next election.

Cookie for mod will never die!

Don't give up the fight!
Ozz and GR are both disqualified. Drunken posting is a terrible scandal and conduct unbecoming of a moderator. I'm calling the tabloids.

Krig will have to have a say in this.

Still being drunk sucks

Are you aware of how many completely innocent posts you could have annihilated in your alcohol infused madness? In any case the council has convened and come to a decision. You may continue to run, but only under the condition that you run on the National Socialist ticket. The purpose behind this is that if you are able to convince us of truth in your ridiculous beliefs, then it is truly we who are the drunken ones, sir.
Don't give up the fight!
Don't worry. If Zeph ever gets caught getting a blowjob from a noob, we can make our move.

Ozz and GR are both disqualified. Drunken posting is a terrible scandal and conduct unbecoming of a moderator. I'm calling the tabloids.
I would like to point out that I have never posted while drunk.
Don't worry. If Zeph ever gets caught getting a blowjob from a noob, we can make our move.

Newspaper Headline:

Moderator Zephyrus is caught paying metal n00bs for cybersex.
Likes them to call him "Caligula" online, and tell him how they would love to eat oatmeal off his ass.
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