Öwen;8814683 said:Definitely, the thing the fucks me off most about these type of bands is the lack of dynamic variation in their actual music.
I am for doing music because of the pure love and connection that I feel with it, however, if someone told me that I could play music, have the time of my life touring the nation, walk away with stories to tell my (future) kids, and get paid a little, then sign me up.
Öwen;8814683 said:f music is about the journey, not getting from A to B, then these fuckers destroy that journey,
Attack Attack!'s music doesn't move anywhere though. It just sits there like a vegetable.
By the way, there´s a finnish "skater rock" band called The Odorants that I really like and it´s impossible to get their album. Is there any kind of major digital music shop in Finland where I may find it?
I think running around in circles is still a journey.![]()
I saw this video a while back of some guy doing commentary with Attack Attack! playing in the background, and one of the things he points out is their lack of transitions.
funny part about people making videos like this and always bashing on bands only makes them bigger. so its kinda a fail.![]()
This music doesn't nothing more than proves how dumbed down our society is. It is even more sad that all the record companies push this shit, if they spent that much time pushing bands that actually have talented musicians, they would still sell as much records if not more. This argument will never win about talent/selling out etc. Its just sad that we today are taking whatever music relations as nothing more than money and not for the passion.
Agreed. Besides, why are Attack Attack drastically changing their direction now, after releasing one album that braindead people actually considered good music? Sounds to me like the first album was just a conscious joke or a way to make some moolah to start the life in music business nicely.
I guess it's like the idea of writing Nickleback-esque songs purely to try and make money. Most musicians could probably do it, but how many could STAND it? Writing joke songs is only funny for so long...