
I enjoyed your outburst there LRD. I understand what you're on about. I'll just put in a thought about the statuatory rape part of what you were saying. There is a problem of how to protect children from being seduced and used when they really are too young to know the dangers to themselves or what they are agreeing to do or that they will probably feel angry or suicidal about what happened to them when they are old enough to regret what happened, or that their parents will feel like commiting murder as a result of what happened to their kid. Therefore it is right that there is a legal age of consent. It is just tough that one day before this age is reached it is a criminal offense to have sex wheras the next day it would be legally okay. However it seems to be a necessary and justified law.
Children must be protected.
Norsemaiden said:
one day before this age is reached it is a criminal offense to have sex wheras the next day it would be legally okay.
i agree with every thing you said except this^^^ sentance... have you ever seen the movie where the whole movie was a under-age girl sleeping with older men and then using the statutory rape laws as a way to blackmail these men into giving her everything she can think of...prolly went straight to video cuz the MMPA wouldn't let it get shown in theaters cuz the movie isn't fiction... it happens every single day in every single city in america...the younger person is very very frequently receiving money in exchange for the sex (the intoxicating thrill of a kid living with their parents and having a steady source of money that their parents don't know about) but someone under the legal age of sexual consent connot be charged with prostitution
Scott W said:
And what affects are those? Are you claiming that I have to be affected by the music I listen to? A nonviolent pacificist is being affected by listening to black metal? Im sorry but I think you are wrong. My music doesnt affect me at all. In fact, as someone else said earlier, its calming for me. I often listen to metal right before I go to sleep. I think at the very least it is more about each person individually. I know that metal doesnt make me more aggressive, but maybe it does for someone else?

As for the other point, I dont think the second one works, at least not in general. I grew up on super violent video games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter and all the other worse stuff. Yet somehow I turned out fine. I think it has alot more to do with parenting than the tv or videogames they play. Bad parenting leads to a kid who confuses tv/videogame violence with the real thing. Good parenting, I think, prevents it. Same goes with music, I suspect. Though I admit that it seems like kids are being exposed to things at younger and younger ages, and who knows what affects that has? But then I could also argue that those same kids are only exposed because parents let them, which goes back to parenting for me.

I see humans as flash-based machines. We all have very similar yet different hardware with different predispositions to health, mental states etc ..and the environment as the software we load in. Certain people under great stress will develop a neurological problem .. others will not.

I laugh at the concept of free will in the sense that we have control over how we react to things. You contradicted yourself in the statement above saying "metal doesn't affect me" ..and in the next statement stating "it makes me feel calm". Music does have an affect on your body, period, and just like not everyone who listens to metal is violent because of the music, all I have to show is that just one person is violent because of the music they listen to, and my case is made.
judas69 said:
Music does have an affect, and just like not everyone who listens to metal is violent because of the music, all I have to show is that just one person is violent becasue of the music and my case is made.
if every person on earth (or maybe just usa) were forced to listen to metal music everyday then what percentage of those people would become violent as the result of the music???
Depends on how often, how loud etc .. but the larger picture is, how many of those people will be negatively affected by the music.

I'm sure a large percentage of those people would become increasingly frustrated, anxious, ..blood pressure would rise, there would be consequently higher rates of road rage and stress related affects in society ..and of course, hearing loss :)

Children would be the ones suffering most by this .. especially in years following
judas69 said:
Depends on how often, how loud etc .. but the larger picture is, how many of those people will be negatively affected by the music.

I'm sure a large percentage of those people would become increasingly frustrated, anxious, ..blood pressure would rise, there would be consequently higher rates of road rage and stress related affects in society ..and of course, hearing loss :)

Children would be the ones suffering most by this .. especially in years following
Though your shallow conscious mind may think you are unaffected by the music you listen to, or anything else for that matter ... the deeper unconscious picks it all up ..and doesn't just toss it away.
Listening to music that we really enjoy has been shown to be good for the immune system, (that is provided it is enjoying a happy contented feeling rather than enjoying an angry or disturbed feeling as might be the case with the fans of the likes of Cannibal Corpse).
Being forced to listen to music we dislike has a negative effect on immunity. Generally classical music by the most famous composers is best for the health.
ANGER is (as far as I can tell) a universal emotion. Everyone gets angry as a result of hurt, guilt, sorrow, etc. It is a feeling, and like all feelings harmless until it affects our judgement and turns into action. VIOLENCE is an action usually caused by anger (though anger does not necessarily usually cause violence). The question as I see it is whether or not violent media can change one's REACTION to anger...anger is inevitable.I see arguments for this happening in two ways, emulation -- seeing/hearing glorification of violence and deciding at some level 'that's cool, I wanna do that' -- and desensitization -- seeing/hearing violence and internally normalizing it as a result of prolonged exposure.

The case for the first one doesn't seem that strong - once you get beyond childhood, you can draw firm lines between a glorified media message and the truth. In a society saturating with media, the age at which you can distinguish that is probably getting younger as children become more savvy. The case for desensitization is stronger...human nature is that you can only be shocked by something so many times. However I don't think this results in direct violence as much as apathy, and perhaps bringing out existing violent tendencies.

Metal that is angry but not violent doesn't prompt violence. And on a slight digression I don't think all metal is angry (or even dark). Dragonforce, anyone?

Also, people tend towards music, movies, whatever that they can emotionally connect to. People with a dark/angry side gravitate towards metal. However, as I said people deal with emotions differently...I'm very calm, and deal with anger internally and via excercise and writing (including writing dark, angry music).
Good post, though I would put more emphasis on the "glorification" end of it. When people see something they like, they tend to model it .. (ie, I like snoop-dogg, so I will be snoop-like). I don't think we ever outgrow that necessarily, we are still animals who seek to fit into some group .. however, we do better understand societal boundaries when we're older.

One thing I wanted to mention was that Anger, though natural, actually immediately causes your blood to thicken, adrenaline to spike etc (the fight or flight response) ..and for those who have an underlying health problem, this sort of response ..which can be triggered by the music in certain people .. may be life threatening.

Lastly, Metal encourages one to release their frustrations through aggression (ie, mosh pit) .. studies have shown releasing your built up frustration only makes you more aggressive over the longterm, not less. It is much better to learn to calm yourself and get into that habit.
judas69 said:
How much apart of your life is Anger?
enough to justify as "reasonable". anger is a perfectly rational and acceptable emotion. it indicates one finds that something is not right, that actions or events in motion are not as they should be, and a desire to rectify them. courses taken as a result of anger - is when morality comes into play.
Norsemaiden said:
Listening to music that we really enjoy has been shown to be good for the immune system, (that is provided it is enjoying a happy contented feeling rather than enjoying an angry or disturbed feeling as might be the case with the fans of the likes of Cannibal Corpse).
Being forced to listen to music we dislike has a negative effect on immunity. Generally classical music by the most famous composers is best for the health.
Fisher-Price (and several other companies) makes CDs specifically designed to be listened to by infants with the expectation that soothing instrumental music could actually make the infants smarter/psycho logically healtier than those that are exposed to violent music
if every person on earth (or maybe just usa) were forced to listen to metal music everyday then what percentage of those people would become violent as the result of the music??? more than being subjected to DEVO or Duran Duran. At least with have an outlet to get your aggressions out. You can participate in some physical activity like cycling, jogging, or weight-training......something that requires a lot of energy......while listening to your ipod. If you were to do this while listening to Peter Gabriel or Men Without Hats.....I could see where the music may be responsible for adding to your level of well as a decreased level of activity and performance standards. Metal has a different vibe that can help release your tensions in a positive way. This other music can't. I'd even say that Metal may act as a legal regards to physical activity.

Yoga and Pilates on the other does the music aid you? Other than to mellow you out. Which in this case.....does not bring about a violent nature.

So, I would say that Metal may be positive for allowing a release.....almost sexual in nature. Which is a good thing, IMO.

I'll tell you what really helps to make me angry:

People who walk so slow like they have nothing to do and nowhere to go.....and have all day to do it! Especially if it's in a grocery or department store. Take your 5 kids that are either crawling, running, being carted, or carried.....and yourself.....and get the heck out of my way. The mall is not a free public daycare so that you can take a break away from raising your kids.
judas69 said:
Good post, though I would put more emphasis on the "glorification" end of it. When people see something they like, they tend to model it .. (ie, I like snoop-dogg, so I will be snoop-like). I don't think we ever outgrow that necessarily, we are still animals who seek to fit into some group
this seems to (at least partially) explain the behavioral/psychological differences between blacks and whites in USA
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
People who walk so slow like they have nothing to do and nowhere to go.....and have all day to do it! Especially if it's in a grocery or department store. Take your 5 kids that are either crawling, running, being carted, or carried.....and yourself.....and get the heck out of my way. The mall is not a free public daycare so that you can take a break away from raising your kids.
here's the thing that gets me
in USA our malls have these shops that are specifically designed for adults (sexually innapropriate for children) and i go into these shops to look at sex toys/pornographic posters Spawn statues etc etc and every fucking time i go in there i see parents with their children and it's mostly kids between kindergarden and puberty and they all talk constantly and tell me shit that kids that fucking young really shouldn't know about. Once i had a 6-year-old explain to me what a lesbian was when she saw me looking at a poster of Jenna Jameson and Briana Banks with their arms wrapped around each other (they were both totaly butt-naked) why the fucking hell does a 6-year-old need to know about lesbians?!?!?!? (the mother told me the girl was going to 1st grade here and she went to kindergarden in Sanfrancisco where they actually TEACH about gays and lesbians in kindergarden!!!!) i know i'm totally off topic but it just pisses me off when parents use TV/internet as "electronic babysitter" where they don't actually make any fucking attempt to filter what their children get exposed to and then get all shocked when they hear their 8-year-old kid explaining to me what a vibrator is