That being said, WPB and Divine Intervention are the shit. God Hates and Christ Illusion weren't really my thing. Interesting how we all love the first five albums but can't agree on the other ones.
Aye it's pretty fuckin werd that

DI - good, but a CLEAR step down from previous albums
Diabolus - I like it a lot, maybe nostalgia plays a part, I remember this with a good few beers playing the first Quake and Starfox on the Nintendo 64.
God Hates Us All - I got this as a birthday gift from my wife. Maybe nostalgia again, cos I like it quite a bit too.
Christ Illusion - Boring as fuck
WPB - Boring as fuck.

I'm sure, partially, my opinions on the albums are coloured by the steadily worsening guitar tone. I can't fucking stand this modern tone Kerry and Jeff (and Metallica also) have. It lacks the sizzle and in-your-fucking-face punch of the older stuff. Pisses me right off.
On topic, Anthrax have always been my favourite of the big 4 although my favourite thrash albums are Rust In Peace and AJFA.