Any albums released since 2000 in your "top 10 of all time" list?

When you think of your top 10/20 list of all time, how many albums would you include that came out before your time? Or just stuff you didn't get round to until years later.

When I think about my top 10 list of all time, I'm fairly certain that I was present for each release, around the time period it originally came out, for example, Operation Mindcrime.

EDIT: I'm not even sure if I have a definitive all time list, but off the top of my head, I'm pretty confident this rule would apply. In other words, I don't have anything pre-1984 (when I started listening) that would make the list I don't think. Go figure.

On my top 20 list, there must be 2-3 albums that i took knowledge of them when they were released. Most of the albums were released before 1994 (the year i started to buy metal albums consciously). Whenever i make this kind of lists 17-18 of the 20 albums are always the same, so i guess it is kinda "definitive". The thing is that i started listening metal with the classics, and i'm quite happy with that, so the bond with them came naturally. Still when i put a Black Sabbath or Queensryche album, i like it more than almost anything, that's why it remains on my top list, no nostalgia factor or something...
Haha I didn't even check the Omnio release date, I just assumed it was this decade because Sadguru listed it. Well anyway, it's that good it still deserves to be mentioned!
To answer it specifically, I'd really have to know my Top 10 list, and I don't. Otherwise, it's way too easy to start naming things I really like that might qualify ('Light of Day, Day of Darkness', 'Skiftninger', 'Weiland', 'Abattoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus', 'Perdition City', etc.), but then after further analysis, I'd probably find out that there's enough other great stuff from previous decades that would knock most of those below the top-10 cutoff point.

More generally, I'd expect the distribution to match fairly closely with my collection in general. I own 353 albums from the 2000s, 559 from the '90s, and 49 from all decades before then (see my comments elsewhere about not being able to get into 'old' music). So I might have 4 of 10 from the 2000s.

Probably more like 2-3 though, because the nostalgia factor would skew me more towards music that I was discovering earlier in my explorations (which started around 1992?) I would guess that age plays a huge part in the distribution, and that people like Necuratul (it seems like many of the young'n's at this board are preternaturally old!) are the exception rather than the rule.

On the other hand, I think my top-10 list also evolves over time to match my evolving tastes (stuff like 'Operation: Mindcrime' would probably no longer be on the list), so maybe it *would* be more like 3-4 from the 2000s that would make my list.

I guess I'll just have to make the list to find out the real answer!

I'm pretty sure at least 90% of my list would be things well before "my time," that being when I started actively listening to Metal in 1997. If not 100%.

Not to mention, the 80's and early 90's produced an ENORMOUS amounts of ridiculously inspired metal that is near impossible to touch.

On my top 20 list, there must be 2-3 albums that i took knowledge of them when they were released.

Stuff before my time is my favourite.

So basically, you 4 guys demonstrate that old metal > new metal, regardless of your age or when you discovered the album

(at least in terms of the style of metal you prefer)

I was just curious because people in my age group have to deal with the "nostalgia" factor, but perhaps even objectively speaking, the stuff that us oldies grew up with truly is the most creative and excellent metal!!!

(How depressing) :tickled:

So in another ten years, metal will be worse than ever? :loco:
The Sham Mirrors, Mabool & Voimasta Ja Kunniasta come close. I think the top 10 all time penetration comes more from current mood than it does the acutal top 10, though I suppose I could hold a personal tournament to see what comes out - and yet that would probably be based on mood at the time as well.

Yeah, I think a top 25 list with all of the albums frequently finding their way into a top 10 personal rotation based on mood would be easier to figure out and be more realistic.

I can only think of one right now, and that's 2000, which arguably, belongs to the previous decade... but if it's good enough for Y2K conspiracists:

Destroyer 666 "Phoenix Rising"
You know what?

Both of my favourite 2006 albums (Colour Haze and Burning Saviours) sound like they should have been released 35 years ago. Fuck new music.
For me, as a youngin, its the other way around. I think The Swan Road and Light of Day, Day of Darkness are the only 2 albums from 2000+ that are in my top 10.
only ones that would come close, probably top 20:

Isis - Oceanic
Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame
Pelican - Australasia

if i had a top 10, this would be there:
