Any one here religious?

You guys will care when the fundamental movement controls the majority American vote and their beliefs and dogma become law. One nation, under god.


No, we won't care when all that happens...because that doesn't answer whether "god" is real or not. All that will prove only what I was talking about before: abusing power in the name of faith used as a path shifter. When 911 happened, all Dubya had to start doing is peppering his warcries with just enough religion to get everyones attention and hey! We are now involved in a Jihad!!! But none of that has to do with the main topic at hand unless Obama issues his own bible and executes those who don't start following it. Closest thing we have to that in the states, at the moment, is Scientology and it's a fuckin joke. Ugh...:Puke:

As long as the majority of people in America have sports and American Idol on tv, beer in their fridge and federal holidays adding up to 3-day weekends, the majority of people in America aren't going to give a fuck about what happens as long as they get to be backseat drivers and bitch about it.

(edit) Damn I'm slow. Just ignore me. I'm going to bed.
Right - theoretically possible... but do you have that little faith in the American people? I'm sure like 80% of the population is retarded, but I still have more faith in us to think that we'd allow something like that to happen.

If it does... thank god for the 2nd amendment is all I have to say. :lol:

yeah, but is not preparedness and counteraction the best path? should we let them even get close if we can impede it?

aaaanyway.. i need to leave this thread alone... it's starting to actually interrupt my work. can't be having that, ;)
yeah, but is not preparedness and counteraction the best path? should we let them even get close if we can impede it?

aaaanyway.. i need to leave this thread alone... it's starting to actually interrupt my work. can't be having that, ;)

Oh, totally - I just think we need to be realistic about it and not waste time/effort worrying too much about something that's not really feasible. Dudes who always complaining about government conspiracies and the like piss me off just as much as people who know nothing about the system and just go along with it for the ride.

The best I can do is just to raise my kids with a proper mindset to never stand for shit like that, beyond that it's up to them - the system in place is solid enough for me to not worry beyond that.
I am an American citizen dude. They've already gone through the contingency plan for how long this will take. George bush was saved wholly by the fundamental swing of 50 mil. The numbers don't lie. The avg amount of children raised in a fundamental Christian family is more than 2:1 for us free thinking beings. I've heard estimated figures of 20-50 yrs before they have the potential to control the vote IF they vote as one cohesive unit.

My father in law is one of the worlds foremost lecturers in theology and religion (he's atheist) so I believe I have a solid partner for constructive debate.
I am an American citizen dude. They've already gone through the contingency plan for how long this will take. George bush was saved wholly by the fundamental swing of 50 mil. The numbers don't lie. The avg amount of children raised in a fundamental Christian family is more than 2:1 for us free thinking beings. I've heard estimated figures of 20-50 yrs before they have the potential to control the vote IF they vote as one cohesive unit.

My father in law is one of the worlds foremost lecturers in theology and religion (he's atheist) so I believe I have a solid partner for constructive debate.

This means jack shit to me as far as politics - the numbers don't lie, but a takeover is not at all realistic. I don't even want to get into what kind of statistical clusterfuck you've presented with that 2:1 ratio, and 20-50 years covers 5-12 elections... lot's of shit can go down in 20-50 years - see the 20th century in general.

They have the potential to control the vote IF they vote as a cohesive unit, sure - also IF they spread out of the states they already occupy and swing the votes there.

As much flak as the Electoral College gets, it saves us from shit like a far-right takeover.
all your remarks say to me is that you've met shitty atheists, and that you live over nice christians. both exist... surprise, surprise.

there are shitty athiests, there are nice atheists..
there are shitty christians, there are nice christians..
i can completelly understand why people would hate certain christians as a person...
i can understand that people can have a grudge to the christian church in general...
i cannot understand why people can hate the religious beliefs of christians and need to do jesus bashing...

Anyhow..christian here
Quite an interesting thread I must say.. It went from a question, to somewhat discussion. Then essentially makig out that religious people are naive and stupid simply because they are religious. Pot calljngthe kettle black lol.

Either way I'm religious like I said, I belied what I believe and probably won't be swayed away from it at all... At the same time, Im sure of my knowlegde and intelligence and feel petty confident in them enough to not have to retaliate in this thread.

I stick by what I said, to each their own as long as it does not impede anothers quality of life.

Enjoy your thread. I'm off for some FF XII
the bottom line here Maurizio, is that your comprehension of english is relatively poor compared to mine. i've been speaking it my whole life, it is my native language.

sure it is, that's not my language really, but I don't think is so poor as you claim.
I, as a agnostic guy, think that because the existence of God is something unknown, I don't stay here all the time thinking about it.
that's it, I don't think I expressed this in a totally osbscure way.

James Murphy said:
and i assure you, even if there were only one official definition of Agnosticism, exactly the same in every dictionary, and that definition was that God is Unknown or Unknowable, that would NOT mean that the agnostic person "does not care"... you are just dead fucking wrong about that one, there is no better way to put it.

and let's be clear here... we are not discussing only the definition of the word agnostic, we are discussing the definitions and implications of the words "unknown" and "unknowable"... mostly the implications of how those definitions should make an agnostic person feel regarding the existence or nonexistence of god... because that's your assertion: that it means that the agnostic has no opinion or simply doesn't care about the issue..... that's your erroneous assertion.

All the people I met in my life, who are firmly agnostic, never searched for the answer of this existence or not, neither I.

Agnostic (Greek: ἀ- a-, without + γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge)
you are funny Maurizio.... you still don't seem to get that being "without knowledge" in no way means that by default the person wants to remain without knowledge.... why does everyone understand this but you? well i think it's because you just don't get what most people mean by agnostic, despite all the "people you met in your life... yada yada"

btw, the first part of your reply was totally incomprehensible... so if your point was that you are good with english, that abortion of a paragraph scuttled your case, :lol:.

anyway.. let's put it to the agnostics on the forum here.. how many of you take the stance that being agnostic means, by definition, that you don't/shouldn't care one way or the other about the possibility of the existence of god?... that your agnostic stance necessarily extinguishes your curiosity?

no Mau, it only means that the agnostic admits that it's an unknowable, or likely unknowable proposition.. not that they, by definition, don't or shouldn't care one way or the other. sure, individual agnostics may or may not care, but it's not a built-in paradigm.

you're just wrong on that one... wrong wrong, wrongity wrong wrong wrong

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"without knowledge" in no way means that by default the person wants to remain without knowledge

that's really the key sentence here, IMO.

just because you don't know something today, doesn't mean you could know something tomorrow.
refusing possible future knowledge is not exactly an attitude that gets you any further in life.

@will... :notworthyfor the apatheist :lol:
sure it is, that's not my language really, but I don't think is so poor as you claim.
I, as a agnostic guy, think that because the existence of God is something unknown, I don't stay here all the time thinking about it.
that's it, I don't think I expressed this in a totally osbscure way.

All the people I met in my life, who are firmly agnostic, never searched for the answer of this existence or not, neither I.

Agnostic (Greek: ἀ- a-, without + γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge)

I get what you're saying and It's quite close to how i feel on the subject.

I don't need to know whether there's a God, sure it's interesting to think about and discuss but seeing as I can't see an conclusive answer arriving any time soon, in the mean time i care more about lasagne, glenfiddich, green and black's chocolate ice cream and metal
btw, the first part of your reply was totally incomprehensible... so if your point was that you are good with english, that abortion of a paragraph scuttled your case, :lol:.

You mean this totally incomprehensible:

sure it is, that's not my language really, but I don't think is so poor as you claim.
I, as a agnostic guy, think that because the existence of God is something unknown, I don't stay here all the time thinking about it.
that's it, I don't think I expressed this in a totally osbscure way.

Well I never said I'm good at english as you, and my point wasn't "I'm good at that", I was trying to make clear what I was saying.

I rock anyway

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Well crap, Aaron, there is really nothing more I could add to your response. It's all been said. If I where to jump in now I would pretty much be repeating what James and Will said, albeit less articulate.

For the hell of it I'd like to add (in general) that yes, I can't stand religion. The Catholic church are thieves and responsible for millions of lives. The Christians are hard to lump together with their 30,000 subdivisions (they can't even agree) but there is a movement with clear goals to convert us all into what I label as slaves. The creationist want to basically retard science. Gay people are being killed because a book/s with fairy tales is taken serious. Christians in Africa are burning people alive because they "believe" them to be witches. People are gathering in large numbers to worship a fucking rock while they follow the words of a pedophile, yay for Islam. it goes on and on... drawing lines in the dirt and spreading their own special brand of "love". (ehem hate) A fraction of the examples out there.

Shit is out of hand and always has been thanks to Humans fear of the unknown which is always replaced by a "God" of sorts. Unfortunately these "Gods" are almost always killers that must be feared and obeyed. These "Gods" are the instrument for powerful men to commit atrocities. Only a "God" fearing populace would allow such shit. So yes, I would love to see every religion vanish and all "holy" text be replaced by science books. All churches converted to education centers and all their money sent to the poor.

I am an anti-religious person and dam proud of it. It's time we move.
I don't believe in religion or god. I would have written atheist but i don't like the word. Well.... Not the word itself but they way people use it.

Believing in any kind of religion or "God" in the 21st century is stupid.

Got metal anything to do with it? Hell no.... Metal sucks. :D

That being said i can understand why some people are religilous and i hate it when atheists go to religious people and try to "convert" them and tell them how stupid they are.... that's just what the church does vice versa and is disrespectful.

Live and let live.
Well crap, Aaron, there is really nothing more I could add to your response. It's all been said. If I where to jump in now I would pretty much be repeating what James and Will said, albeit less articulate.

For the hell of it I'd like to add (in general) that yes, I can't stand religion. The Catholic church are thieves and responsible for millions of lives. The Christians are hard to lump together with their 30,000 subdivisions (they can't even agree) but there is a movement with clear goals to convert us all into what I label as slaves. The creationist want to basically retard science. Gay people are being killed because a book/s with fairy tales is taken serious. Christians in Africa are burning people alive because they "believe" them to be witches. People are gathering in large numbers to worship a fucking rock while they follow the words of a pedophile, yay for Islam. it goes on and on... drawing lines in the dirt and spreading their own special brand of "love". (ehem hate) A fraction of the examples out there.

Shit is out of hand and always has been thanks to Humans fear of the unknown which is always replaced by a "God" of sorts. Unfortunately these "Gods" are almost always killers that must be feared and obeyed. These "Gods" are the instrument for powerful men to commit atrocities. Only a "God" fearing populace would allow such shit. So yes, I would love to see every religion vanish and all "holy" text be replaced by science books. All churches converted to education centers and all their money sent to the poor.

I am an anti-religious person and dam proud of it. It's time we move.

People think me to be bigoted, I just see it as caring more about human beings than a deity who likely doesn't exist.
Religion is constantly used as a tool to do great evil on a level of basic human interaction and I have a huge problem with that.
You want to fix a problem, you attack the source with the aim of removing it completely, and religion is the source of the problem.