Any one here religious?

Sure, this is all true, but Buddhism is also painfully annoyingly vague on the three 'big' questions in life (according to Stan :lol: ) - Where are we from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Annoying enough for me to not be able to take it seriously as a viable religion or even cultural doctrine.

1:Where are from? Assumes we are anymore than what was already here. Were from here, we didn't come into this world like people like to say, where else is there to come from?

2: Why are we here? The same reason why a candle burns when you light it, dont confuse this with why you lit the candle.

3: Where are we going? Where else is there to go?
It's not the fact that they're vague about it - that's one thing... it's this "it's not important, you don't need to know, don't worry about it, just do these things so you can acheive this Nirvana thing that we really won't tell you about what/where/how it is" notion that really bugs the crap out of me.

Buddhism is only interested in the cessation of suffering (Which to be honest isnt as simple as it sounds)

Also in a quick and VERY dirty way, Nirvana is a state of seeing through concepts and labels. How do you think you can explain what it's like to see without concepts, but use language which relies on concepts?

It's one thing to say "we don't have the answers and we can't know" - it's another thing to say "you don't need to know so just ignore it and don't think about it."

By all means think about it, but don't look for the answers your looking for in Buddhism. Buddhism is more interested in what drives the questions.
Not to mention the fact if you exist you can communicate even if people don't believe you exist. :goggly:

exactly my point. god could talk to any atheist with his big powerful voice and say "i am god! stop typing all this shit about me and start worshiping me!" then after we've soiled our pants, all the atheists would run to church and convert immediately. hasn't happened yet.
...Actually, Judas didn't hang himself, he didn't even cause his own death. He fell to the ground and his body exploded.

Acts 1:18

"With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out."

True, there are two accounts of Judas's death. However, there are two thoughts by theologians on this:

1-Judas hanged himself on this field which overlooked a cliff. The rope broke and he feel headlong over the edge of the cliff onto the rocks below

2-Judas hanged himself and remained hanging for days causing swelling, decay and decomposition. Eventually, he fell to the ground and burst open.

Each account is complimentary. The both involve Judas's remorse, the purchase of the field with the money he was paid to betray Jesus, its reputation as "the Field of Blood" and Judas's gory death (and location)

What it illustrates:
Can you point me in the direction of somewhere that I can read about this supposed Ra story? I can't find a single thing about it. (I am familiar with Ra, but not this particular story).

Some facts about Ra in the Egyptian Book of the Dead,

His mother was a woman called Meri
His father was called Jo-Sep
His father was of royal descent
His birth was heralded by a star
His birth was witnessed by Shepherds
King Herut tried to have him killed
He was 30 when baptized
His baptizer went on to be beheaded
He was followed by 12 disciples
He walked on water and healed the sick
He gave a 'sermon on the mount'
He was crucified
...between 2 thieves
He was buried in a tomb
He was resurrected after 3 days

(On a side note Where did Moses come from? I understand he didn't have anything to do with the new testament however the story of a messiah prevails throughout.)

Regardless of whether or not the Ra story pans out, I have heard the claims that Christianity is just a mash-up other religions, but the Bible as a whole is much too cohesive for this to be a legitimate argument.

Christianity today is a mash-up of Judaism and Paganism we have Constantine to thank for this. More Pagan then Jude however. Easter, Christmas and even the Sabbath have been basterdized from the original faith of the Apostles. Look up what Constantine wrote in Canon #29.

It was written over multiple centuries (millennia actually), by dozens of authors from different social, professional, and cultural backgrounds, yet the story reads like a singular composition.

The bible you are talking about I assume your grouping the New Testament and the Old / Torah together to say it is the bible. The Qur’an also uses the Old Testament to complete its bible and The book of Book of Mormon uses Old and New testament to complete its teachings spanning a longer time than traditional Christianity and still reads like a singular composition.

Furthermore, the message contained in the Bible remains amazingly relevant when considered against modern culture, while all of these "mystery" religions of the past have long since vanished and are generally not even historically and factually verifiable anywhere even close to the degree that the Bible is.

Judaism, Islam, Buddhism are three that I could still say is relevant against modern culture. The mystery religions of the past have only vanished to us because again, Constantine incorporated the all the pagan beliefs at the time and rolled it all up into what is today Christianity.

Furthermore, you're leaving Jesus out of it entirely, who is a historical figure written about not only by Christian authors, but whose existence is also corroborated by secular authors from the same time period.

Yeshua indeed was written about by his followers and his existence was also mentioned by secular authors from the same time period. However were the secular authors talking about Yeshua of Nazareth or the Messiah? In the time of Yeshua of Nazareth there were many claiming to be the Messiah. You have Simon of Peraea 4BC, Athronges 3BC, Judas of Galilee, Theudas 46AD the list continues here.

Even further still, consider the disciples who actually spent time with Jesus. Aside from Judas (who hung himself after betraying Jesus), and John, all were martyred for their faith. These people had nothing to gain, and they died gruesome, horrible deaths, which no man would have died only to preserve a lie about a Jesus who didn't actually exist or wasn't actually legitimate.

I agree no man would die only to preserve a lie, I believe that they thought Yeshua was the Messiah with as much conviction as Heavens Gate killing themselves because they though the messiah was in a spaceship behind hale-bop. Like Jim Jones followers poisoning themselves and their children because they were controlled by a diabolical manipulator teaching peace and love. Just like Jihadist blowing up not only themselves but their children with the promise of virgins and paradise. Were these teaching lies? Just because someone takes their or their children’s life in martyrdom only shows the conviction that they think something is real. However, it doesn’t make it real.

The above argument only shows martyrdom however lets consider homicide. Think of the witch trials, I’m sure the majority denied they were witches with supernatural powers but they were burned to the stake anyway. Does this mean that they were really witches?

I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist Church and was brought up in the Hebrew roots movement. I understand how it feels to lose my faith. I would like to have a rational explanation and to be proved wrong preferably before I die.
You need to quote the theologians directly. Until then, you're talking out of the small mouth on the end of your penis.

haha, that cracked me up dude :D

I do not have the exact theologians I heard this from handy, as it was a while ago. The feeling I got was this was being used as one of the "contradictions" people try to point out about the Bible when trying to prove it is inaccurate.

However, if you read Matthew 27:5-8 and Acts 1:18 there is no contradiction. It does not say in Matthew specifically that Judas died from hanging himself.

I will try to get time later to find the exact place that I hear this discussed (I believe it was a podcast or something...)
haha, that cracked me up dude :D

I do not have the exact theologians I heard this from handy, as it was a while ago. The feeling I got was this was being used as one of the "contradictions" people try to point out about the Bible when trying to prove it is inaccurate.

However, if you read Matthew 27:5-8 and Acts 1:18 there is no contradiction. It does not say in Matthew specifically that Judas died from hanging himself.

I will try to get time later to find the exact place that I hear this discussed (I believe it was a podcast or something...)

I think his issues lies within the fact that there is no evidence what so ever that Jesus or Judas ever existed. ;)
@ Zack:

But that's the problem with how the bible is rationalized. One part of a story may match up and someone will say:

...the Bible as a whole is much too cohesive...

But when you get stories that don't match, it is rationalized as:

Each account is complimentary.

I'm not trying to argue the idea that you can't take two different accounts of a story and turn it into one, but I would think that if the bible was the infallible word of god, then at least one story would contain ALL of the details, and perhaps the other story would be a more shorthand version. Unfortunately, you can't do this with the story of Judas's death, you HAVE to take the two different accounts and combine them, which is not how authors of the original biblical scrolls intended people to read them.

One more example of two different contradictory accounts is Jesus's last words:

Matthew 27: 46

About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Luke 23:46

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.

So in Lukes account, Jesus knows exactly whats going on. He knows he is the son of god and offers his life willingly and in full knowledge of his purpose, without committing any sin. But in Mathew, Jesus is confused and blasphemes his own father by questioning him, thus committing the sin needed to justify sending Jesus to hell for 3 days.

In no way can anyone make these stories match up. You can only have one sentence as your last words, otherwise the sentence before would be your second-to-last words. If the gospels writing the story of Jesus who also claim to be eyewitnesses of the event taken place, they sure didn't think it would be that important to remember Jesus's last words at that time.
Oh my god (lol?) this thread was long! Just went through it and thought I'd throw in my 2 cents too. My 2 cents are about:

- Earlier in the thread there was a request for theists/believers to put forth their reason for believing. I'm so glad nobody did this and PLEASE DONT. This is what annoys the fuck out of me when it comes to religion. I believe religion is personal and if everybody could realize that and shut the fuck up about their goddamn beliefs we would probably be able to focus on more important shit like society and how we can stop it from going down the shitter (we're already halfway down by the looks of it). I probably sound really arrogant now but seriously, believe whatever the fuck you want but don't go trying to bash it in to other people's skulls. I don't get the point of believing if it isn't for yourself and if it is for yourself, why bother explaining it to others?

- Science or religion and the what seems to be unsolvable question of "Where did we come from?" and all that yada yada, same shit. Choose to believe in science and you've got big bang and you're wondering where the hell that came from, how, why, whatever. Choose religion and you've got God and the questions of where God came from, how, why.. same thing. This leads to point number 3 below:

- To supply the thread with what was the intention from first (Any one here religious? (seems to be a grammar typo in the title)) I'd like to say I just don't give a fuck right now. What does that make me? Hell I don't even give a fuck about what that makes me! All I know is that I have lots of other stuff to focus on in life right now and I have already spent countless hours trying to solve all the riddles in my head, both scientific and religious but to no avail. Maybe some day later, but not right now.

I believe in djent though and my god's name is BAUOOOOW.

Btw I'm surprised nobody mentioned the flying spaghetti monster yet. I didn't see a picture of him at least :)
Thats the problem...the only reason we are arguing about it is because people won't shut the fuck up and keep their religious stuff to themselves, on a grand scale. This makes the atheists/agnostics/anti-theists/satanists/etc come out of the woodwork and start rationalizing as to how it's all illogical psychobabble...then the religious get defensive and fight back with their understanding of the unknown with no real explanation...hey look, ENERGIZER BUNNY!

If people could just say "I'm faithful" instead of "I'm christian and I believe this, and you are going to hell because, and I'm going to heaven because..." then this would all be done and over. It's ok for people to disagree. It's not ok, in my opinion, to feel superior because of something you think you know, but really don't and because you believe this unprovable thing and those around you don't and shoving it up their ass so you can have a superiority complex for your silly belief. People should just keep it to themselves if they are of faith, and it should really be within oneself to decide what sort of faith to have...not a preacher or anyone else telling you what you should believe. If you wake up and want to believe Santa Claus is real and he's who made the world, go the fuck ahead and be happy with it. If anyone comes up with their own religious beliefs anymore, they are deemed why are we believing this insane shit from a couple thousand years ago, malformed over time by people who had a less rational idea of what it should be than a modern day 10-year-old could dream up today?
Here's your proof!!! :)

By the way Christians. What is with the obsession with Jesus's death device? Imagine Jesus comes back and what does he see? Everyones that "loves" him is wearing a cross. If I was him I'd be thinking "What a bunch of assholes!"
By the way Christians. What is with the obsession with Jesus's death device? Imagine Jesus comes back and what does he see? Everyones that "loves" him is wearing a cross. If I was him I'd be thinking "What a bunch of assholes!"

damn it, now you're testing my memor too hard!!! I'm actually pretty sure we aren't meant to be wearing "icons" of Jesus and yet people do!! Excuse my lack of resource but I can't for the life of me remember where!!!
damn it, now you're testing my memor too hard!!! I'm actually pretty sure we aren't meant to be wearing "icons" of Jesus and yet people do!! Excuse my lack of resource but I can't for the life of me remember where!!!

What does it matter if you remember or not? It should be up to you if you want to wear it or don't and all that's needed to justify that is your own opinion... in my opinion. Otherwise it is starting to slip back into the "rulebook" status, as in you're living your life the way someone/some book wants you to do.

If you say you are wearing it to honor him or to remind everyone of what shit he had to go through to save the whole planet earth, that's good enough of a reason for me. If you're not wearing it because it pains you too much to be reminded of it, that's fine too. As long as you have a motivation behind your actions and the choises you make in life.

Man how I hate living by the book... glad I never read books :)
By the way Christians. What is with the obsession with Jesus's death device? Imagine Jesus comes back and what does he see? Everyones that "loves" him is wearing a cross. If I was him I'd be thinking "What a bunch of assholes!"

I never thought of that, hehe. Reminds me of Ricky Bobby wanting to pray to baby jesus, not the adult version.

on another note...

By the way 90s death metal bands. What is with the obsession with Jesus?