Anyone going to the Maryland Deathfest?

I wanted to go with a buddy of mine but I can afford to go....that said buddy is hanging out driving Carcass around tonight and showing them Tulsa Ok. I feel sorry fr them.
Ok, can someone help me hear what I'm missing on Krallice? I just gave the s/t album a spin and was thoroughly unimpressed by the droning, monotrone vocals and chaotic, constant "blast guitar" type sound (basically meaning chaotic style riffing that can almost be equated to blastbeats on a fretboard).

Since many folks around here seem to really dig it, I was just wondering what impressed you about it so that I can listen for it the next time I try to absorb it.

I plan to write a review about it soon, but I think the droning is great because of the intricate guitaring behind it. For example, the way they drone and harmonize at the same time, creates an atmosphere that is quite unique. I get what you mean by a black guitar, but I think the new style helps the songs flow more than anything else. They have this tone and style that take the songs 'out of this world'
So... are there any bands at MDF worth investigating, aside from:

Aura Noir
Bolt Thrower
Destroyer 666
Hail of Bullets
Wolves in the Throne Room


I'll be there.
I will be there.
Yeah I'm going for sure.
I need to buy tickets, because I think I'm going.
Somebody bought me a ticket to go, so I am...
I'm going for all 3 days.

So it looks like there's going to be 8 of us there (including Jason & myself)? Sounds like an RC gathering is in order.
