Anyone up for doing a sneap forum Nile cover? :D


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I'll probably only double for certain parts, like the ultra low shit. Gonna double that and then use a split harmonizer for added coolness. And on the big epic dallas roars like "blah blah his own FIYAHHHH" and "those who know not the words of POOOWAAHHHHHH" double the capitalised words and split harmonise for the epics and apart from that I'm gonna keep it pretty natural.

What he said..........:erk:
I apologize for the delay, it's near the end of the semester and I somehow keep running out of time. I'll probably do my 'assignment' in as many ways as I can think of and let whoever is mixing decide what's appropriate.

I'll probably only double for certain parts, like the ultra low shit. Gonna double that and then use a split harmonizer for added coolness. And on the big epic dallas roars like "blah blah his own FIYAHHHH" and "those who know not the words of POOOWAAHHHHHH" double the capitalised words and split harmonise for the epics and apart from that I'm gonna keep it pretty natural.

Okie dokie.

Sounds like a plan.:Smokin:
I'm doing my share of the vocals today Abyss
I might have found a bassist aswell, if no-one from sneap forum can do it.
I have to take part of the blame for the delay, the semester started getting really messy and time-consuming and I've just been conked out and recovering since it ended.

Hey, I've been swamped lately as well. Tomorrow I'm getting my vocal rig set up for this weekend's album session, so I should be able to bang out the vocals sometime this week.
Fingers crossed.

I don't have any other good vocal mic, so this will be better than if I did it with a 58. Even though TAD swears by it.
Hey I would love to do Bass is no one else is up for it (as I read a few posts above, haven't read through the whole thread), I just bought a bass V-amp and would like to try it out on Nile. I can't promise I can record it by tommorrow or anything, but I could make time to do it, sounds pretty interesting and would love to take part if possible! if not this one, maybe a next one. I could also do vocals (this song is taken, maybe some other project), I kinda manage to go Karl sanders low
I could possibly play the bass on this but I'm not sure how my bass (or more-so my recording setup) will like a low A on a 34" scale. I'll try it out tonight to the scratch mix someone posted and see how it goes. If not, SlipkyesBass could do it.
I would have no problem with the tuning, I have a 5 string and tune it in A in one of my bands. Thing is I´m not sure i could manage the time to learn the long song and record it. If Nicholas is more available to do it sooner be my guest, I`ll still be on the lookout of this project and hopefully participate in a future one. I saw this idea once in the bloodbath forum, last time I remember it never got to nothing after like 50 pages of chatting. Let´s not get there with this
If I finish the vocal tracks and we still have time and a need, I could do the bass as well... long-scale six-string bass, active pickups, plenty of boxes and preamps... or I could just shove the bass through some of my gear to get something better than a V-amp...

Hey guys, hadn't noticed this one got bumped
been swamped with a couple of album mixes and other collabs, been trying to get my priorities in the right order
id like to get the instrumental side sorted as soon as possible, lets get this'un done. So nicholas, if you get a chance to record some scratch bass, post them up and we'll take it from there :)

and just double jecking, jeff and chryst, i sent the divided up lyrics to both of you, yeah?
any requests for alterations before we get them recorded, feel free to message me

im tired as fuck and a wee bit drunk so ill check back on this in the morning haha
I was jamming the song a little bit tonight, going against the guitarpro file that's up on ultimate-guitar. I'm trying to get some of the more difficult parts down (shits tough, I haven't played any tech DM in forever), I should hopefully have it recorded later this weekend. Obviously the DI will be put up but I'm also going to throw in the actual sound that I'm using for the bass tone (through AmpegSVX + kefir), incase anybody wants to use it in the final mix. Should I track to the test mix that XRatedDodo put up, or should I try and get it tight with the DI/reamped guitar files, or what?

Personally if we were to do this again, I'd love to see a full cover of Unas. That song is completely fucking epic, in every way - especially after the acoustic breakdown, and it kicks back into the "behold the souls of the Gods are in Unas" part.
Probs best you track it to the test mix dude. The guitars seem to have a bit of a latency issue.
That or you could track it to the soloed drum track. Whichever works for you dude.

And I was thinking of doing another OFFICIAL SNEAP FORUM <BAND> COVER! at some point, with different peeps n all, but i was thinking of something a little more simple next time, or maybe something maybe even MORE off the deep end, considering all the virtuoustic players we have on this here forum, but for any covers I co-ordinate (not that I'm doing a very good job of co-ordinating this.. Haha) it'll be a different band every time. That's not to say that people on here wouldn't do an Unas cover, or wouldn't want to hear one done. I sure as hell would :D
I'm still trying to learn the song, I have a bunch of parts down (not as tight as I'd like but I can work on that) but there's plenty of other parts that I may end up having to play roots instead of following the guitars note for note, just because they're so goddamn fast haha. I'll tentatively record this Sunday or Monday night, at the very latest. Everything sounds fine, surprisingly. The low A is a bit too boomy for my tastes but that could be fixed later during mix-down with EQ etc.