Anyone up for mixing a full DI song?

Apr 17, 2006
The northlands of Holland.
In short, my pc is gettin more FUBAR as time goes on. I cant hardly proberly mix anymore(more than 5 plugins and its starts to :puke: )

Its not really done yet, but this is a test version but if anyone can reamp and mix it i can proberly push my pc a bit more and finish it up this week.

Its all DI, i just put the guitar/bass trough amplitube. And i had to put off the second guitars or else my pc starts lagging. If anyone is interessted i will go into details.
Ill put the guitars on first, please pm me for the rar password. I dont want to be rude and everyone who wants to have a go can get the password but its just to be sure of those megaupload grabbers :p The bass keeps distorting on some parts, ill fix that tomorrow.

Can i just put the midi on for the drums? I work with Ezdrummer + DFH The vocals need to wait a while seeing i am sick right now, but getting a decent instrumental mix is bigger priority now.
BTW the guitars don't sound to good at 3:40

yeah i noticed that a bit to late(did not hear the clean version to good)

All that whammy wankingtook its toll, i can correct it hope you guys understand.

Here are the drums:

Edit: Ow fuck that part was played by a mate of mine with a emg, dont really know to fix that....

And the last part needs to be played 2 times... but my pc crapped out(Its a clean windows i cant understand why...)

I am working on this now. Actually reamped the guitars at 3:40 are not horrible they just sound kind of "plinky" for lack of a better word.

The bass track sound fucking great reamped (IMO)

Anyone got a rect reamp track?

Sorry this is my first time not sure about the terminology, what do you mean with rect reamp track?

You mean what i want for a sound?

And i am excited to hear what you guys coming up with!! Thanks ahead!