Anyone up for mixing a full DI song?

No I mean does anyone else (I would assume you don't have a rectifier) have a rectifier track (I only have a UX2 and would prefer the real deal).


What drum map did you use on the midi? Most of it is working with GM but some I am sure are not hitting right.

I used samples from the ezdrummer groov map, if crashes not hitting you can adjust them:)

I would love a real deal amp to(i only have a cube 30 wich is great but i used that sound to much and i dont want every recording of mine sounding the same)

Same prob here....Inquisitor, doubt I'll be able to get to it anytime soon, I'm headed out of town for a few weeks.

Me 2 lol need to work to pay school, thats why i appreciate you guys doing this allot!
The midi map that you used is there any way for you to exsport the map?

I think it should have a .drm exstention.

It says "No drummap" with me in cubase.

I just load Ezdrummer as a VST and and in ezdrummer itself i set it to multichannel so i can work with each part on its own.



I hope this helps, if not we can work around it i hope:p


I found a ezd ---> BFD map

But I only have the demo so it sounds like shit. lol

But at least I can kind of get what the drums are supposed to sound like.

Well ok thats at least something:P
But I only have the demo so it sounds like shit. lol

I don´t know it´s demo, but BFD is one of the best samplers to use for cymbals in my opinion. It prevents from having this "Oh, he used DFH"-effect due to DFHs totally calculabe cymbal-sound (esp. the china-style ones) and offers some really good adjustment-opportunities if no real drumkit + OH - combination is in reach when needed.
I don´t know it´s demo, but BFD is one of the best samplers to use for cymbals in my opinion. It prevents from having this "Oh, he used DFH"-effect due to DFHs totally calculabe cymbal-sound (esp. the china-style ones) and offers some really good adjustment-opportunities if no real drumkit + OH - combination is in reach when needed.

I ain't bashing BFD I am sure the program is pretty good (if you have the whole thing)

The demo strait sucks though it has 8 velocity increments (so 8 samples per drum). A total of 2 snares, 2 bass drums, 2 sets of toms, 2 crashes, 2 splashes, and 2 hats.

Plus you can only run 2 cymbols and hats so it's pretty much uber ghey.