are any guys of opeth satanists?

umdebaba said:
proof - demonstration that validates a statement as true
huh? bro, youre going around in circles. to me, a proof and a truth are pretty much the same thing. you cant define sometihng with itself.
Silent Song said:
so, if i demonstrate pulling a rabbit out of a hat where previously there was none, that would "prove" it "true" that such a thing is possible?

Fooling an observer with magic tricks does not prove anything. All it proves is that you can use magic tricks to fool people. If you pull shit out of your ass, you have subsequently proved that it is possible to pull shit out of your ass.
dorian gray said:
huh? bro, youre going around in circles. to me, a proof and a truth are pretty much the same thing. you cant define sometihng with itself.

proof - demonstration that validates a statement as true
truth - that which is; that which can be verified
for us modern humans, it is imperative that we have empirical evidence and statistically significant data before we accept something as fact. those doing the research and their peers and colleagues (and detractors) generally determine whether or not a concept *is* a fact. The scientific method is such that it is self-correcting. if something is wrong, say, cold fusion, it will come to light. I'm having trouble distinguishing the word "fact" from "proof". kenneth's notion that a fact is a type of opinion just isn't that far off. everything's an opinion - albeit some have more evidence than others. thats pretty much it for me. as far as the topic of satanism goes, one is not going to find any empirical evidence or statistically significant data because there are none. The super-natural is not open to scholarship in a scientific sense.
dorian gray said:
for us modern humans, it is imperative that we have empirical evidence and statistically significant data before we accept something as fact. those doing the research and their peers and colleagues (and detractors) generally determine whether or not a concept *is* a fact. The scientific method is such that it is self-correcting. if something is wrong, say, cold fusion, it will come to light. I'm having trouble distinguishing the word "fact" from "proof". kenneth's notion that a fact is a type of opinion just isn't that far off. everything's an opinion - albeit some have more evidence than others. thats pretty much it for me. as far as the topic of satanism goes, one is not going to find any empirical evidence or statistically significant data because there are none. The super-natural is not open to scholarship in a scientific sense.
total agreement.
It's amazing how off-topic this got, and I don't plan to help things ;)

Props to Silent Song...While I may not agree with your views on religion, your point with the whole "fact" vs. "truth" issue is undeniable IMO. We can't know anything with 100% certainty. Through observation we can see that something may happen a million times in exactly the same way each time, but there is no way to be sure that the 1,000,001st time will follow the model. Probability says that it will, but the outcome is still probable and not definite.

So what we call "fact" would seem to be a collective opinion held by people who know what they are talking about and have not only extensive evidence in support of their theory, but also no alternate explanations that would potentially contradict it.
I never thought this would last so long haha. I totally agree with Dorain, I also think people take science way to seriously. Someone said a few pages back that death is final, there is no proof of this, there is also no proof there is an afterlife, its what you choose to believe, realative to scientific facts or not, and there are things that science will never understand or explain.

Evan84 you are one ignorant mother fucker, the pope is not a Nazi. Do you have it there cuz he is German? or because he was in the Hitler youth, but deserted?
dude he was in the ss, i read and also saw it on tv

i dont know why these people elect such atrocious people as their leaders, for god's sake, he killed jews and homos and others WITH HIS OWN HANDS
Alternative 3 said:
I never thought this would last so long haha. I totally agree with Dorain, I also think people take science way to seriously. Someone said a few pages back that death is final, there is no proof of this, there is also no proof there is an afterlife, its what you choose to believe, realative to scientific facts or not, and there are things that science will never understand or explain.

Evan84 you are one ignorant mother fucker, the pope is not a Nazi. Do you have it there cuz he is German? or because he was in the Hitler youth, but deserted?

talking of taking things too seriously, i imagine you shouldnt take evans sig too seriously....
Its a stupid statement as far as im concerned and would like to know the reasoning behind it, having a pope in your sig is so three weeks ago. And im sick of the media in particular, refering to the holocaust everytime they refer to germany