Kenneth R.
glad you brought those up.
God says that we humans should not kill each other. He does not include himself in this, though as a benevolent God i trust that he will not kill without good reason, whether i understand that reason or not.
As for the children quote, again its a difference between the charge of men and the words of God. we are not to do such, because he will if necessary. it goes along with "God will give me Justice" instead of seeking revenge ourselves.
I'm not sure what to make of the castration quotes.
As for the slavery one, again this is a good example. In those days, they needed this word "slavery" in that verse to descibe what those who were slaves following Christ should do in their situation. now our society no longer tolerates slavery, and the verse can be applied to those in service, as a slave to a master. in this sense, that verse can be applied to those who work for another, like a boss or superior officer, etc. It means to serve, no matter your job, with honor and without complaint (continues the rest of that verse) in so that no matter how good or bad your job may be, your work shows the Glory of God and you serve with joy or gratitude. basically, even if you don't like your job, do your very best.
the reason for that is, we Christians do care what others see in us in regarding Christianity. it would be a bad example if someone saw me and said "wow, look at him, he is so disorganized and such a lazy worker, all Christians must be that way". It would be much better if someone said "wow, he works so hard and so cheerful about it never complaining. he has such skill, i wonder if it is common that Christians are so seemingly good at this". generally, it's just that we want to portray ourselves and our faith in a way that looks attractive to others (this is in the bible, and it uses the word "attractive" itself, though i can't remember where). we are to show outwardly our joy in Christianity and defend it and clarify anything that descibes it wrongly. this is not to say that we're to run around shoving it down people's throats. i wholly disagree with that idea.
as for the Kings quote, i'd assume it means don't ridicule your peers on their appearance. note that whatever punishment was handed out was done by God's influence. i'm not so sure about the use of the word "curse". that doesn't seem like it fits.
God says that we humans should not kill each other. He does not include himself in this, though as a benevolent God i trust that he will not kill without good reason, whether i understand that reason or not.
As for the children quote, again its a difference between the charge of men and the words of God. we are not to do such, because he will if necessary. it goes along with "God will give me Justice" instead of seeking revenge ourselves.
I'm not sure what to make of the castration quotes.
As for the slavery one, again this is a good example. In those days, they needed this word "slavery" in that verse to descibe what those who were slaves following Christ should do in their situation. now our society no longer tolerates slavery, and the verse can be applied to those in service, as a slave to a master. in this sense, that verse can be applied to those who work for another, like a boss or superior officer, etc. It means to serve, no matter your job, with honor and without complaint (continues the rest of that verse) in so that no matter how good or bad your job may be, your work shows the Glory of God and you serve with joy or gratitude. basically, even if you don't like your job, do your very best.
the reason for that is, we Christians do care what others see in us in regarding Christianity. it would be a bad example if someone saw me and said "wow, look at him, he is so disorganized and such a lazy worker, all Christians must be that way". It would be much better if someone said "wow, he works so hard and so cheerful about it never complaining. he has such skill, i wonder if it is common that Christians are so seemingly good at this". generally, it's just that we want to portray ourselves and our faith in a way that looks attractive to others (this is in the bible, and it uses the word "attractive" itself, though i can't remember where). we are to show outwardly our joy in Christianity and defend it and clarify anything that descibes it wrongly. this is not to say that we're to run around shoving it down people's throats. i wholly disagree with that idea.
as for the Kings quote, i'd assume it means don't ridicule your peers on their appearance. note that whatever punishment was handed out was done by God's influence. i'm not so sure about the use of the word "curse". that doesn't seem like it fits.