Botfly said:
Haha, common sense.
There is an abundance of evidence which seems to support God is the creator and vise versa. For instance, the bible does go into depth about things that have only been discovered recently, such as underwater mountains, atomic fission, dinosaurs, and the jet stream. Though these aren't the words used, they describe these things very accurately. And the fact that they were cited directly from God, and He is alot more credible than a a human with a piece of paper in his name,

Although, there seem to be inconsistancies in the beginning of the New Testament.
hmm... maybe it's best to be a Jew, haha.
cited verses:
Atomic Fission: 2 Peter 3:10
Ocean Currents: Ps. 8:8 & Isaiah 43:16
Hydrological Cycle: Job 36:27 & Amos 9:6
Jet Stream: Ecclesiastes 1:6,7
Dinosaurs: Job 40-41 & Ps. 74:14
Innumerable Stars: Jeremiah 33:22
"Cited directly from God"? You are taking the word of people who lived thousands of years ago, and still believed in marrying their very close relatives, that what they wrote down in the Bible did in fact come from God. For all we know they could have been high on something.
Congratulations, you have done for me what years of nagging from my extremely religious grandmother could not! I went to the trouble of actively looking for a Bible, because I wanted to see the biblical references to things we've only recently discovered that you mentioned above. Hmm. Let me be diplomatic and say I'm not exactly convinced.
2 Peter 3:10--"The day of the Lord is surely coming, as unexpectedly as a thief, and then the hevens will pass away with a terrible noise and the hevenly bodies will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be burned up." So basically, the idea of an apocalyptic/Armageddon type thing, but all that takes is a good imagination. There's no mention of splitting atoms.
Ps. 8:8--Says man is in charge of "the birds and fish, and all the life in the sea." Makes no mention of the currents that govern said sea.
Isaiah 43:16--"He will bring blind Israel about a path they have not seen before. He will make the darkness bright before them and smooth and straighten out the road ahead. He will not forsake them." Um. How is this AT ALL related to ocean currents?
Job 36:27--Discusses evaporation--which is, surprisingly enough, actually related to the topic it's supposed to be evidence supporting. Good job, you're one for three! But evaporation is not that difficult a process to observe. Any idiot can go, "whoa, there was a puddle here yesterday...and it's not here now...hmm, it must have dried up in the sun..."
It's interesting to note that Job then starts talking about God throwing lightning bolts. Wait a minute...sounds like a rip-off of Zeus...
Amos 9:6--Evaporation again. "He calls for the vapor to rise from the ocean and pours it down as rain upon the earth." Well, where else would primitive people have expected rain to come from--since there is no obvious body of water in the sky? Again, I think this can be explained by moderate curiosity and simple observation. Nothing overly scientific here.
Ecclesiastes 1:6, 7--"The rivers run into the sea but the sea is never full, and the water returns again to the rivers, and flows again to the sea." Yet again--nothing that can't be deduced via observation. Unless you believe that the writers of the Bible were too stupid to see what direction water flows in, in which case they probably weren't qualified to invent religion either...
Job 40-41--God and Job discuss a hippopotamus and a crocodile. Where did you get dinosaurs out of that???
Ps. 74:14--In the copy of the Bible that I am looking at, it reads, "You divided the Red Sea with your strength; you crushed the sea-god's heads!" Hmm, no dinosaurs here either, but the reference to other gods intrigues me...
Jeremiah 33:22--"And as the stars cannot be counted..." Yes, the stars are innumerable. And your point is...what, exactly? Anyone who has ever tried to count the stars can tell you this. You don't need any special insight or technology to see that.