Are their any In Flames fans...


Eternal Cosmic Slaughter
Mar 3, 2004
New Hampshire, U.S.
...that actually like their new sound more than the old?.

I for one do, and I've yet to find one that agrees.

And if you don't like the new sound, state why. Without sounding like a child of course. And by child I mean...

"It's sooo mallcore faggotry, make another Jester Race!!!11one!!!1"
I like the "old" sound better. I liked when the melody was in the guitars, and not the vocals. Anders has a very lousy voice, and to remove the guitar melodies in place of the vocal melodies makes no sense to me.
I prefer the older material because the songwriting is stronger and more expansive in every sense. The guitar playing was truly something to behold on the old stuff, it was heavy, melodic and generated a definite headspace. When I hear the stuff from Lunar Strain, Jester Race or Whoracle (even Colony or to a lesser degree Clayman), something moves inside me. That is the mark of great music to my way of thinking. I don't get that feeling with the modern material.

For example. I find playing the old songs on guitar is a nice challenge and fun. Since learning them my own lead guitar work has improved.

I fell asleep learning The Quiet Place.

I can understand the band wanting to try new things, I'm all for that, but unfortunately the road they've chosen is not one that I'm a big fan of. Indeed, if STYE wasn't by In Flames, I probably wouldn't have bothered.

Anders is an underrated clean vocalist, when I listen to his voice closely, it seems that he's got some ability, but the vocal lines that he sings are often fairly questionable.
My first metal album was Lunar full of melodies and great lyrics and the time went on the In flames albums lost what was so great about them at the start. Then feeling for me in it...not that it is terrible..I like some songs on it ...but it dosent make me feel anything...then stye...better...more energie in it..better riffs..but not the feeling of the great metal band that was In flames
Overall I like it all equally I suppose, but recently (since Feb/March or so) I've listened to the last two albums much more than all of the others put together.

In my opinion, the new material is much more similar to the old material than people make out. Some of the musical focus has changed, but the feeling is the same and the effect on me (as a listener) is the same.
ubiquitos said:
my only major objection to the new stuff is that there is too much synthesizers used. Especially since the band claim they want to write music that sounds good live.

Honestly, I love the synth the band uses, think it sounds good live as well.
The 'old' style will always be their best and most defining. But IMO I think they are doing quite well with the 'newer' style that they have been using (gothenburg mixed with more metalcore/keyboard/industrial elements). It just took time to get used to, in my case. As I said in another forum, it shows In Flames can still kick ass while treading on semi-mainstream ground.

As far as Anders' voice is concerned, I think it ranges from good to great on all albums (Lunar Strain not counted, of course). His clean singing vocals on the latter albums can take alot of time to get used to though. Overall, I don't In Flames have done anything to truly disappoint me at any point and I don't think they ever will. The legacy/strength of their older albums and the more straightfoward, energetic mix of styles found on their newest albums all support that claim.
I just find that their older stuff was good music that evoked feeling inside me, and their new music is lifeless and substandard. There are dozens of bands who do new In Flames better than In Flames do.
Hatebreed said:
Honestly, I love the synth the band uses, think it sounds good live as well.

Synths can be utilized in much better ways than on StYE or RtR, see Skyfire for how to do it right.
I fucking love everything from LS to R2R, but STYE is just an uninspired, sorry ass excuse for a Gothenburg metal album, almost devoid of good guitar leads and marred by horrid clean vocals. It feels like a dumbed down version of R2R, or even Clayman. Take the song ...As The Future Repeats Today for example. Compare it to Like You Better Dead. They're more or less the same song, except that one of them is a simplified version of the other, and hasn't got a good solo but annoyingly repetitive nu-metal riffing and shitty lyrics instead. Guess which one. :P

BastrdDrmr said:
I like the "old" sound better. I liked when the melody was in the guitars, and not the vocals. Anders has a very lousy voice, and to remove the guitar melodies in place of the vocal melodies makes no sense to me.
Indeed. Throughout the ages there have been songs with BOTH guitar AND vocal melodies. It's not like the two can't co-exist. I can't understand why it wouldn't work with In Flames too. Anders, get real.
J Mann said:
Synths can be utilized in much better ways than on StYE or RtR, see Skyfire for how to do it right.

I'd argue that Skyfire over uses the synth. It's pretty much all you hear.

I like Skyfire of course, but the songs drag on to long and don't feature much variety.
Up until Clayman, I always thought In Flames just wasn't capable of making sub par material. But my opinon on this matter has changed greatly since 1999-2000. Since then I feel In Flames have really just lost their desire. I, personally, would love to hear a chorus like the one from Trigger with guitar melodies from a song like Artifacts. I guess that's too much to ask for though.