Are there any albums you consider "perfect?"

Still life is not even close to being perfect, I think that Pagan's Mind's cds come close to being perfect, but some parts drag on for to long. I aslo think that in terms of musical sound progressive metal is closer to perfection than any other genre, even though I think black metal destroys progressive metal.
MasterOLightning said:
Even albums that are great could be better in some sense. In the Nightside Eclipse comes really close, but tracks two and four I think are certainly weaker than the rest.
I hope you're not talking about Into The Infinity of Thoughts. :mad:
MasterOLightning said:
How could that one dude say Still Life is perfect when it obviously has mastering errors on the disc? That automatically disqualifies it before you even listen. And it's not nearly as good as most of Opeth's albums. I don't like this sentimental attitude about perfection. Have some higher standards. There's no way you should regard more than two or three albums as perfect.

Even albums that are great could be better in some sense. In the Nightside Eclipse comes really close, but tracks two and four I think are certainly weaker than the rest. Panzerfaust also is really close, but it would probably be better if the vocals were 10% softer in the mix.

'Perfect' by definition, is non-existent because nothing is perfect, especially when it involves something of an ambiguous nature. It comes down to one's own opinion. You can't define 'perfect' as it pertains to anything such as music (or any form of art). I consider the quality of any given album for its whole composition, rather than by judging individual songs.

And if the quality of sound production plays any part in a 'perfect album' then every single album should be disregarded because there is no such thing as having perfect sound production to any album. You could argue that some raw-ish production is adequately suited for some albums (Darkthrone) - but that is strictly opinion. Even your statement and the principles by which you abide by in judging an album is pure opinion - therefore opinion and sentimental attitude plays a huge factor.
No man, Into the Infinity of Thought is an awesome track.

Pale Folklore is pretty great, but the spoken word part on She Painted Fire Across the Skyline part 3 absolutely ruins the album. Otherwise, it's damn good. The Mantle would have been better off without the last track, but that's a really good one too.
Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Anaal Nathrakh - Domine Non Es Dignus(this album is killer 'till the end)
Borknagar - Quintessence
Death-Symbolic(Human,ITP too:))
Quo Vadis-Defiant Imagination
Control Denied-The Fragile Art Of Existence
Atheist-Piece Of Time

First albums that come to my mind...
There is no such thing as a perfect album, and if there was, there would not be more than one.
My only criterion for a perfect album is simply asking myself if I would change anything about the album if I could. If I don't want to then that means it's perfect. Not too many albums are like that. But I wouldn't say it's impossible.
Perfect is a little more than that. I can think of a lot of albums on which I would change nothing, yet I am still able to recognize that it is far from perfect.
nevermore - dead heart in a dead world
devin townsend - ocean machine
arcturus - the sham mirrors

on each of these albums, there simply isn't a bad note played. ocean machine is the perfect example of a perfect album. a timeless classic, for sure.
Albums, that have close to genre

NIN - The Fragile (the best I have ver heard)
NIN - The Downward Spiral, With Teeth
TOOL - Lateralus, AEnima
Marilyn Manson - Anticist Superstar, Mechanical Animals
Skinny Puppy - The Greater Wrong of The Right, Too Dark Park, Last Rights, The Process
Underworld - Everything, everything
The Prodigy - Music For Jilted Generation, Fat Of The Land
Ulver - Perdition City
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misantrophia
Emperor - all of them
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of The Moon, The Wall
Mortiis - Stargate
Mayhem - Grand Declaration of War
Placebo - Sleeping With The Ghosts
Dominion III - A Life Has Ended Here
Immortal - At The Heart of Winter
Who made you god today ?

no i'm not sticking up for fredy brown either.
Ulver - Perdition City
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Front Line Assembly - Tactical Neural Implant
Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Rotten Sound - Murderworks
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Led Zeppelin - III
Dead Can Dance - Within the Realm of a Dying Sun
Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Faith No More - King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime
King Crimson - Red
The Amenta - Occasus
Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects - Sol Niger Within
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Testament - The Gathering
Vader - Litany