Would you consider them metal ?


New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2010

I was wondering if you would consider the newer bands Devildriver and Chimaira metal ?

The first devildriver album sounded more like nu-metal but the following albums have awesome guitar riffs. I really like this band. Althought it's not really mauling type of signing.

Chimaira have a different sound at each album they put out. The first few albums i would say were new metal but now they droped nu-metal when it died and started incorporating guitar riff. They now state slayer as an influence to their music.

Both bands are on roadrunner records. I hate that label because each time a band sell a little they get out a special edition of the cd with bonus materials. You want the bonus material since you are a fan. So i often end up buying the album 2 times.
Chimaira are groove thrash so yes, they are metal. They were nu-metal on their first album, metalcore on their second and turned groove with their self-titled. Also, Chimaira haven't been signed to Roadrunner since the the release of the latter mentioned album. If you listen to the lyrics of Resurrection, it's all about how much the label held them back.

free at last
finally tasting happiness
five years of hell for nothing
trapped inside the minds of failures

a wise man once said
that which does not kill us makes us stronger
thought we were dead
so are we now invincible?

determination, perseverance, resolution, resurrection(x2)

final straw
underlying ignorance
consumed by greed and hate
Kept under the feet of Tyrants

reality kicked in
raced against time just to start all over
treated like shit
pushed aside and expendable

determination, perseverance, resolution, resurrection(x2)

we have become so god damn powerful (x6)

all the beatings you gave us, we will use them against you

determination, perseverance, resolution, resurrection(x2)

free at last
finally tasting happiness
the resurrection

I don't really listen to Devildriver but I would consider them nu-metal or metalcore from what I've heard.
Both started off a little nu-metal\corish, gotten more groove-oriented over the years. Never been a fan of Chimaira at all, but the two latest DevilDriver albums have been some fun albums id concider more of a mix between groove\melodic\thrash metal. These days DevilDriver is a metal band, while Chimaira is more of a hardcore influenced metal band Id say.
I would say that both bands would be considered metal. Chimaira seems more hardcore influenced while Devildriver is more thrash or melodic.