Are there any female opeth fans

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Austin said:
Clearly you have never been to 1) Sweden and 2) West Virginia.

Heh. I'm sure there are hot chicks in WV too.

Anyway, perhaps there are a higher percentage of good looking women in Sweden then elsewhere, but I somehow doubt it. Someone needs to do a study! I want numbers ;).

Heh. It's so subjective that it'd be hard to judge anyway.
zortz said:
Heh. I'm sure there are hot chicks in WV too.

Anyway, perhaps there are a higher percentage of good looking women in Sweden then elsewhere, but I somehow doubt it. Someone needs to do a study! I want numbers ;).

Heh. It's so subjective that it'd be hard to judge anyway.

Yes its all about percentages.

And the gene pool. If you have a pond where 50 hippos gather to eat and drink and mate, you're not gonna end up with any swans.
Austin said:
It's been my observation (from shows and from this board) that there is a shocking scarcity of female opeth fans.

I don't care if the ones here are hot, I'm more interested in why so few chicks seem to dig Opeth.

Well I am an Opeth fan, but I rarely post on this board because it is so full of Men who love Opeth to a point that is just beyond reason in my opinion. It's like being surrounded by a bunch of giggling school girls, of course you're not girls you're supposed to be grown men. If that's not enough to put ladies off a scene I don't know what is.

Secondly, Opeth is subtle music and a subtle band in my opinion. They are not flamboyant or in your face. They don't dress up, they don't parade themselves and this doesn't appeal to most women (attention whores that we are). Think about the kind of female fanbase that bands like CoF get.

thank you very much. unfortunately, guys who dont like metal think we're freaks and dont like us too much. also, other girls who dont like metal think we're freaks. im glad someone thinks we're cool.
Illnath said:
I do have to say that the Swedish ones are not bad at all!!!!...but the best ones are the Norwegian girls...not that there is anything wrong with Danish girls

Nordic girls in general are really pretty... I love metal girls :)... The swedish girls that I know are really funny (and damn pretty :)).
Sanzen said:
Where are you at in NC man? I'm in Boone.

Haha. I drove from Knoxville, TN. I was the little guy suffocating in the mosh pit and having the time of my life. (I was surrounded by enough girls to make that non-homoerotic.)

edit - lol.
metal is primarily a male driven genre. it is crude, barbaric and aggressive, often with sexist views or projection anyway. this alienates women further. along with that, most women who enjoy metal are resorting to it as a self esteem booster, most likely due to childhood issues (i.e. molestation, ridicule due to ugliness, abusive parents, etc.) so often times this leads them to being less than ideal specimines of prettyness, hygene and overall "feminine" appeal. Also, ive found most women into metal are often more infatuated with the image/scene/social bearing it has, rather than a consentrated yearning for knowledge and growth with the music. an example of this is that many "metal girls" have 300 pictures of alexi laiho or shagrath adorning their walls, but can probably name 4 songs from either band tops...and probably own even less albums by them. in conclusion, its very slim pickings...and even if you manage to bag one of the cream of the crop "metal girls"...youre getting some damaged goods of some kind at least psychologically.

i know most of what i said is going to offend a lot of people. and im ok with that. but if it does, its probably because i hit home with some of it. just the facts.
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