Are there any female opeth fans

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NineFeetUnderground said:
metal is primarily a male driven genre. it is crude, barbaric and aggressive, often with sexist views or projection anyway. this alienates women further. along with that, most women who enjoy metal are resorting to it as a self esteem booster, most likely due to childhood issues (i.e. molestation, ridicule due to ugliness, abusive parents, etc.) so often times this leads them to being less than ideal specimines of prettyness, hygene and overall "feminine" appeal. Also, ive found most women into metal are often more infatuated with the image/scene/social bearing it has, rather than a consentrated yearning for knowledge and growth with the music. an example of this is that many "metal girls" have 300 pictures of alexi laiho or shagrath adorning their walls, but can probably name 4 songs from either band tops...and probably own even less albums by them. in conclusion, its very slim pickings...and even if you manage to bag one of the cream of the crop "metal girls"...youre getting some damaged goods of some kind at least psychologically.

i know most of what i said is going to offend a lot of people. and im ok with that. but if it does, its probably because i hit home with some of it. just the facts.

Holy shit! Some of that is likely true. However, the girls I saw at the Opeth gig and the (2) Opeth liking girls I know are fun to be around. Genuinely nice and interesting too. But this is Opeth we are talking about. And they were singing along to the Damnation song(s). My cross-section of metal-girls is off. But I like my girls a little "tom-boyish" anyway. However, some of the girls there were very pretty and clean.

edit - I think you are talking about girls who like Slipknot etc.

eeddiitt - by tom-boyish I mean into mud-wrestleing (lol).

hmmm... that was very rude and not "the facts". So take it back. Just because you and I know girl(s) like that, doesn't justify blanket statements. I'd send you links to some of my metal-girl friends myspace or facebook to help dispel the myth, but that would be creepy on my part and for all you stalkers out there.
NineFeetUnderground said:
metal is primarily a male driven genre. it is crude, barbaric and aggressive, often with sexist views or projection anyway. this alienates women further. along with that, most women who enjoy metal are resorting to it as a self esteem booster, most likely due to childhood issues (i.e. molestation, ridicule due to ugliness, abusive parents, etc.) so often times this leads them to being less than ideal specimines of prettyness, hygene and overall "feminine" appeal. Also, ive found most women into metal are often more infatuated with the image/scene/social bearing it has, rather than a consentrated yearning for knowledge and growth with the music. an example of this is that many "metal girls" have 300 pictures of alexi laiho or shagrath adorning their walls, but can probably name 4 songs from either band tops...and probably own even less albums by them. in conclusion, its very slim pickings...and even if you manage to bag one of the cream of the crop "metal girls"...youre getting some damaged goods of some kind at least psychologically.

i know most of what i said is going to offend a lot of people. and im ok with that. but if it does, its probably because i hit home with some of it. just the facts.

I don't know if this is an accurate description of girls/women who are into metal... since I have no female friends who listen to any of the music that I do

I grew up in a household where 70's music (from my parents) was always playing... Pink Floyd, The Doors, Jethro Tull, Moody Blues (etc etc we all know this) So this may be the reason why I can't tolerate most of the music that I know girl friends of my age listen too

I listen to Opeth because it's what my brother constantly played when he was home, and also the connection to music that I already liked
& apart from opeth I don't listen to much metal apart from katatonia, some bloodbath, old man's child

So thankyou, that is my life story :)
Braighs said:
Holy shit! Some of that is likely true. However, the girls I saw at the Opeth gig and the (2) Opeth liking girls I know are fun to be around. Genuinely nice and interesting too. But this is Opeth we are talking about. And they were singing along to the Damnation song(s). My cross-section of metal-girls is off. But I like my girls a little "tom-boyish" anyway. However, some of the girls there were very pretty and clean.

edit - I think you are talking about girls who like Slipknot etc.

eeddiitt - by tom-boyish I mean into mud-wrestleing (lol).

hmmm... that was very rude and not "the facts". So take it back. Just because you and I know girl(s) like that, doesn't justify blanket statements. I'd send you links to some of my metal-girl friends myspace or facebook to help dispel the myth, but that would be creepy on my part and for all you stalkers out there.

ive known plenty of metal girls to give me the basis of comparisons i used. just because you know 2 girls who sing the words to damnation doesnt exactly punch a hole in my statistics. but ill be glad to let you try and prove me wrong...i could care less either way...metal girls arent my type anyway.
Braighs said:
Haha. I drove from Knoxville, TN. I was the little guy suffocating in the mosh pit and having the time of my life. (I was surrounded by enough girls to make that non-homoerotic.)

edit - lol.

are you going to the Feb. 15th Raleigh show? I'll be the guy with girls all over me.
NineFeetUnderground said:
ive known plenty of metal girls to give me the basis of comparisons i used. just because you know 2 girls who sing the words to damnation doesnt exactly punch a hole in my statistics. but ill be glad to let you try and prove me wrong...i could care less either way...metal girls arent my type anyway.
Hmm... Come to a metal concert in Sweden and I believe it'll automatically punch a hole in your statistics. I don't actually know ANY "metal girls" that fit your description.
NineFeetUnderground said:
...often times this leads them to being less than ideal specimines of prettyness, hygene and overall "feminine" appeal.... in conclusion, its very slim pickings...and even if you manage to bag one of the cream of the crop "metal girls"...youre getting some damaged goods of some kind at least psychologically.

i know most of what i said is going to offend a lot of people. and im ok with that. but if it does, its probably because i hit home with some of it. just the facts.

Those are some good facts there.
I was actually just going to mention recalling a discussion on this topic in the past by NFU and some other dude, guitarmaster or something.

Whilst I hate being so blanket in my statements and overly generalising, I have to say that the majority of what NFU outlined there coincides with my experiences of metal chicks.

I've yet to find one I find remotely appealing in a 'male attracted to female' sense and also one I could bear to be around for more than 2 minutes (not a fan of cigarette smoke, misanthrope and self-deplication, oh well).

So this is one of the reasons I look very non-metal. I plunge into other scenes to get social interaction etc. There's really not much more in the metal scene for me other than the music.
Well, all girls who dig Opeth are very cool, in my opinion.

I know a few girls who like Opeth, and they are very cool people. Really down to earth, and nice. Pretty good looking, too.

A huge debate can go down about girls and metal.

But in the end, I think it's all about the music, baby. Nothing more.

I'd love to marry a gal who's into Opeth!:p Maybe I should start talking to the ones I know. :D
Moonlapse said:
I was actually just going to mention recalling a discussion on this topic in the past by NFU and some other dude, guitarmaster or something.

Whilst I hate being so blanket in my statements and overly generalising, I have to say that the majority of what NFU outlined there coincides with my experiences of metal chicks.

I've yet to find one I find remotely appealing in a 'male attracted to female' sense and also one I could bear to be around for more than 2 minutes (not a fan of cigarette smoke, misanthrope and self-deplication, oh well).

So this is one of the reasons I look very non-metal. I plunge into other scenes to get social interaction etc. There's really not much more in the metal scene for me other than the music.

Very true. Same here, bro. There's not too much in it for me to, except for the music, and the long hair. I dig my long hair. :) I don't think it's long as of now,(Evident in my avator) but it's getting there. It's semi-long.
Stilgar said:
Hmm... Come to a metal concert in Sweden and I believe it'll automatically punch a hole in your statistics. I don't actually know ANY "metal girls" that fit your description.

two different demographics my friend...let alone 2 different countries. i was speaking of american metal women...for thats what ive been around.
I could be off on this a bit, but from what i've found is that most girls love vocals. They love to sing along to songs if they cant just dance to it, so its pretty tough for a girl to sing along to growling. Granted, opeth has clean vocals in their music, but more often than not its after growling. Most girls i know that can appreciate opeth at all would listen to Damnation, but getting a girl to listen to wreath is a lost cause in most cases in my experience.

I've seen some girls on this forum, so clearly girls do listen to opeth, which is great. And im sure a lot of them listen to the growling and everything too, which is cool, but i would say a majority of girls dont fit that mold. Its not good or bad, its just what ive noticed.
Blokes, you won't find Metal a popular genre amongst most women. Sorry.

Yes you will have women into metal but most of the time they are those gothy-ish makeup, 'I am a witch/vampire' types. Come on guys, you know this.

But as for the question. Yes there are female Opeth fans. There is one Valerie/Valkerie or whatever chick who is a fan who posts often and I hear she is now used to guys ejaculating on her chest. So draw your own conclusions from that.
I'm a female . I'm NOT a Goth / Vampire wannabe . I LOVE everything about Opeth - including the growling . And I LOVE "Wreath" . One of my favorite songs . So there :p

P.S. - I'm also an American .
A Reason To Sing said:
Well, all girls who dig Opeth are very cool, in my opinion.

I know a few girls who like Opeth, and they are very cool people. Really down to earth, and nice. Pretty good looking, too.

A huge debate can go down about girls and metal.

But in the end, I think it's all about the music, baby. Nothing more.

I'd love to marry a gal who's into Opeth!:p Maybe I should start talking to the ones I know. :D

That said, your average Opeth fan doesn't look or act very metal when compared to BM or DM. In fact, I know people who listen to Greenday and Opeth and talk about them in the same breath. It's ridiculous to me and makes no sense whatsoever. My point is, you can find see almost anybody a fan of Opeth, but there are distinct differences from anybody and a kvlt BM fan, for instance.
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