Are there any good bands out there that sound like Pantera?

Actually, if anything some underage Pantera fan is more likely to be caught doing some retarded racist shit than anything I said.
I think people just want to disassociate themselves with their large redneck fanbase. Dimebag wrote great riffs and Anselmo had a great voice. They are definitely "bro-ey" but they wrote some gems that should warrant some kind of level of respect above "they fucking suck". Then again, that's just like my opinion, man.
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I have no problem with redneck-ness at all, but I understand that you are speaking more generally.

I just dislike their sterile, over-produced, groove metal neo-thrash shit and I think Phil Anselmo stylistically (as opposed to technically) sucks balls.
I think the redneck sound that everyone keeps talking about is found most on the Great Southern Trendkill, but I heard a little of it on Vulgar Display of Power. Their best album is definitely Cowboys from Hell, but I enjoy pulling out Far Beyond Driven the most.
I suppose that some can criticize the lack of originality from the band - they pulled the sound from Exhorder and some of their best tracks are covers (The Badge, Planet Caravan). But, Pantera at their best is mountains above Exhorder. Obviously it is a little questionable that in the two years between Power Metal and Cowboys from Hell, they switched from glam to tough guys, but I'm appreciating the music, not the people.
Voivod, Pantera use this chord they heard in a Voivod song, even Nickelback uses the chord too.
I love how old this thread is! I really liked what Sign of the Southern cross produced. Unfortunately, they disappeared into the nether. I think the lead singer (Seth Uldricks), who is primary writer, went to jail. But I can almost guarantee if you like Pantera you will jam out to them.

I like Power Metal and Cowboys from Hell has some good tracks. Phil Anselmo had pipes back in the day. Everything after is just macho posturing garbage.