Are these bands Nazis?


Nov 6, 2001
Miami, FL
I was talking with some people I know from Israel and we started talking about black metal and they commented that Mayhem and Immortal were Nazis. Does anyone know if this is true.

I know Varg from Burzum is a Nazi shithead and that Darkthrone have made Anti Semetic comments on their cd's and then have publicly apologized for them and thaken them off of their cd's. But I never heard such things said about Mayhem and Immortal. So can anyone verify whether or not they are also Nazis? :erk:
Fuck You Divine_Intent!

While I like black metal very much, I am not willing to spend my money on supporting people who, in their personal beliefs hate what I am and my personal beliefs. It is just like I would not buy a cd that a child raper would put out because I don't believe that person deserves to be given credit where it is due, no matter how good the music is.

That does not mean I will stop listening to the music, it just means I will not go out and buy the cd, I will just d/l and burn it on my own.
Divine_intent said:
How about stop listening to black metal if this stuff bothers you fag.

The only fag around here are YOU my boy. I listen to black metal too but I also care about things like that. I don't listen to NSBM in fact.

About Mayhem: I don't think that they were nazi's, Oystein Aarseth even said from himself that he was communist... I've never heard anything nazi-related about Immortal, so they are definately NOT nazi's I guess.
Black metal is about Hating people,Hating Christians and so on.And that includes black people.
If you cant take this there is no idea that you listen to black metal.
Maybe Power or Heavy metal will fit you better?
Divine_intent said:
Black metal is about Hating people,Hating Christians and so on.And that includes black people.
If you cant take this there is no idea that you listen to black metal.
Maybe Power or Heavy metal will fit you better?
Black metal is about hating people? Where the fuck did you get that idea? Maybe some of the people making black metal (ie. Burzum) are hateful bigots, but black metal in general is definitely not about hating people. As far as I know, even Burzum doesn't sing about it in their lyrics. And Immortal and Mayhem are certainly not about hating people and are definitely not Nazis.
How about stop listening to black metal if this stuff bothers you fag.

Be quiet.

I was going to type a long, boring paragraph about the Black Metal scene in general, but I decided to spare everyone the boredom. The answer to you question is NO. They are not pro-nazi.
who the fuck cares ??

I don't stop liking a band just because they're nazis or not...
The music comes first..I don't give a shit about their political views...
The Israelis are the biggest Fascists in the world. Just look at how brutally the treat the Palestinian people after the Palestine saved them in the Spanish Inquisition. If any one is a Nazi it’s the Zionist Israelis.
Are you people stupid or something!If a group suports Nazi propaganda,people should stop listen to it,if they dont beliavie in that shit.Hate propaganda is giving birth to more hate in this world,and dont you think we have got enought of hate right now.All people should learn to respect eachother......
As I see it, if you don't want to support Nazis, then don't buy their music, no matter how good their music are, if you know that your money will go to the band and the nazi label. Download it instead. But you have to think about this too: If you buy an album of a band there you know that the bandmembers uses illegal drugs, then you indirectly support the drug industry, right?