
1) there's no 10 minuters, but 1 of them hits 7 minutes i think, its rather epic.

2) Heathen are good, Lee Altus is a mind blowingly good guitarist, they were never one of my favourites though, i think maybe the singers on both albums didn't really hook me in enough. I understand how that sounds coming from a singer in a band, but my opinion on singers carries no more weight than anyone elses in the world. Most singers in the world would probably hear me and go "ha, amateur", it's all just opinion and it affects nothing really.
Here's a fun one for you; What do you have to say to the plethora of 'fans' that make numerous comparisons between Evile and Metallica? It's a real peeve of mine, but I'm interested to hear your take on it...

*grabs popcorn and takes a seat*
Loaded question alert!

It's of no concern to me who people think we do or don't sound like. It's only natural to compare one thing to another, it happens all the time, we are each influenced by metallica and we've never tried to either hide that or make a big thing out of it really. We just write what we do and it comes out however it comes out naturally and if it feels good we follow it, it it feels shit we kill it.

Short version - not bothered really. People can say whatever they want about anything they want and thats fine with me.
I really enjoy how you progressed with the years. Five Serpent's Teeth was really a great record after the last 2. Enter the Grave sounds in a kind of way generic in comparison to the other which doesn't affect the quality of it really but it was your first album. I think I enjoy Infected Nations and Five Serpent's.. the most. Also it came out on my birthday.

Hope the new album will be better than both!!

1) I like the load album, it's definitely not mind blowing but bleeding me, house that jack built, thorn within and outlaw torn are quite brilliant. I don't think there's an album quite like it really, they could have dropped ronnie and ain't my bitch though, they're dreadful........ Reload has a couple of good tracks - devil's dance, where the wild things are and fixxxer are good, the rest are not so good.

St anger was listened to once and its going to stay that way.

2) If we ever stopped writing thrash metal or if it ever felt like we started to drift away from doing this i would quit the band. I like evile because we write and play what we do. If someone suggested an album of more "accessible to wider audiences" music i would be gone, and then i'd be starting a band like entombed.
What about lulu, what do you think about that?

Hey, that sounds cool to me, Thrash has remained my favourite style of metal for a long time alongside Prog.
About your vocals (which by the way have improved a lot and sound great live) why is it that you "switch" your accent when you sing? I can hear a more neutral accent in your songs than on interviews.

1) same as St anger.


1) thanks! because if i sang with my normal accent the songs would sound really silly. We've been considering doing "yorkshire versions" of some songs for ages, just for a laugh to show why singing with a yorkshire accent isn't a good idea for our style of music. Plus when i sing i don't use my vocal chords and mouth muscles in the same way i would do when talking, because i push air out in larger volumes it naturally changes anyway so the accent disappears.
"St. Anger was listened to once and it's going to stay that way" < And that is getting sigged!

We've considered doing Yorkshire versions of our stuff too, it actually makes everything sound better for some reason haha. Maybe we're that shit.
Hey Matt, hope all's well!

I was just wondering if you have a stance on people/"collectors" buying rare or sought after items, holding them for a period of time, then finally selling them on in order to make a profit? Of course when they were initially bought some money will have gone to the band in one way or another. But do you think the practice of buying to sell on and make a profit is really fair on the band, or do you think it's done at the band's expense?

The reason I ask is I'm a bit of a collector myself and I feel quite strongly about people buying these kind of items with the sole intention of keeping them in a box, only to take them out years later to see how much money they can make. As far as I'm concerned, rare vinyl and shirts etc. are bought to be enjoyed - not to be used as a money making scheme.

I know you may not have much of a stance on it, but I'm guessing a band such as yourselves, who I presume aren't left with much pocket money after all your expenses etc. could really do with a cut of that 500 euro or whatever Joe Bloggs just made from selling your shirt or vinyl on eBay...

I understand it's inevitable that this will happen these days, but I was just wondering what you (or any of the other guys) think about it! Cheers! :kickass:

It's none of my business what someone does with something they've paid for, it's entirely up to them what they do with their property. Business as a whole wouldn't exist without what you just described, someone makes something, someone pays them for it, then that someone sells it on for yet more profit, it's the way of the world my friend!


I'll ask a question now, who saw DREDD and thought it was BRILLIANT?
Is it dumb that I'm starstruck every time I enter this thread? One of my friends and I talk about the band all the time and are always wondering many many things about you guys, and now that there´s this oportunity to communicate so easily I´m completely out of questions.

Have you assimilated the idea that you guys are now an idol for many? That you are not normal people anymore, that you´ve become the creators of a favorite band of ours, and can only wish to meet you?

Do you think that it's easier to keep a band together since two of you are brothers? I mean usually when you spend a lot of time with someone, you start to get irritated more and more about the smallest things that he or she does that annoy you, but since Ol´s your brother (and this is what happens with my siblings) I would guess that you are used to the way that he is, the way he talks etc. and that it's a lot easier to resolve conflicts when they happen, it can´t happen what usually happens with other bands where they don´t want to see each other and have anything to do with each other anymore.

How old are you?

I´ll stop for now just to be polite. :tickled:
Matt, how many of these new members will actually stick around and become regular attendees on the forum? :lol:

I kid... kind of. Whatever, I'm drun and nobody can stop meeeee! Also, LEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY etc.

It's none of my business what someone does with something they've paid for, it's entirely up to them what they do with their property. Business as a whole wouldn't exist without what you just described, someone makes something, someone pays them for it, then that someone sells it on for yet more profit, it's the way of the world my friend!

Fair play! I guess that's the obvious and sensible answer. Cheers Matt, take it easy!


Dave, whachewtalkin'boutfool?! They're obviously ALL going to stick around... :zombie:

I just re-read my answer back and it sounded quite blunt haha i'm sorry if it came across that way! It's just something i've never really thought about so it's never been something i've felt either way about, and i couldn't just give "meh" as an answer to a serious question. As a better answer for you i would have to say that it's something that we would never have control over, and people in our position (as creators or product) have no right to say what people do with said product once its out of our hands...... I remember years ago i had held onto a copy of a pc game called phantasmagoria, it was quite sought after at the time, so i put it on ebay and got £70 for it, i was rather happy with that, but then a week later the same guy had listed the same game and sold it for £125 haha! gutted - just the way it goes haha.


not dumb at all! i wouldn't consider us idols, i don't think we would be capable of ever accepting anything like that, we are normal people, we are yorkshire!!! we still have jobs and have cats etc.....

No me and ol fight all the time, especially when it comes to writing, there's never any physical fighting or shouting, but heated debates are very common, no one wants to give in but we usually reach a better solution by banging heads together instead of one person getting their way. Instead of getting idea 1 or idea 2 done we usually argue a bit and realise theres an idea 3 that we could do instead, that would be far better than what either of us wanted in the first place.

im 31.


Hopefully all of them! the more the merrier.


Its great! I don't feel any different than 5 years ago, i feel like we've gotten a lot better with age and hopefully we can keep doing that, i would love to get a point where we realise we are too old so i can constantly quote lethal weapon ALL THE TIME. "im too old for this shit". Is there are an age when you are too old to do metal??
Made more fitting by the fact that Ol did a song about Glover's moustache hahaha. I need to find that again.

Sod it, ca you recommend any neat books that aren't The Demolished Man? Which by the way, I bought and still haven't read hahaha. List as many or as little as you'd like.