
Its great! I don't feel any different than 5 years ago, i feel like we've gotten a lot better with age and hopefully we can keep doing that, i would love to get a point where we realise we are too old so i can constantly quote lethal weapon ALL THE TIME. "im too old for this shit".

Is there are an age when you are too old to do metal??

Too old? Never! Its just that it's interesting how when I discovered you guys, you were all younger than 30, and now many years later only Ol is in his 20s. I don't know, I think that going from 29 to 30 is much more noticeable than going from 9 to 10 or 40 to 50.
Do you have a favourite band?

You toured with Megadeth right? What were they like to tour with?

I'd also like to add that Enter The Grave is one of my favourite riffs of all time, so much energy and attitude, not a question I know.

I just re-read my answer back and it sounded quite blunt haha i'm sorry if it came across that way! It's just something i've never really thought about so it's never been something i've felt either way about, and i couldn't just give "meh" as an answer to a serious question. As a better answer for you i would have to say that it's something that we would never have control over, and people in our position (as creators or product) have no right to say what people do with said product once its out of our hands...... I remember years ago i had held onto a copy of a pc game called phantasmagoria, it was quite sought after at the time, so i put it on ebay and got £70 for it, i was rather happy with that, but then a week later the same guy had listed the same game and sold it for £125 haha! gutted - just the way it goes haha.

It didn't come across blunt at all man haha, as you say it's something you'd never be able to have control over regardless of if you wanted to or not, so it didn't really warrant much more of a response!

I appreciate you taking the time to expand on your answer a little though, and in hindsight I can see it more from the artist's perspective, and appreciate that that's just the way it is - whether you (or I) like it or not! Also, I think if your CD/vinyl/shirt/or whatever goes for a small fortune on eBay it can be perceived as a tribute to the band as much as anything else, and even if the money doesn't go directly to the band, hopefully the seller will continue to support the band one way or another by buying albums and attending shows in the future etc. so I guess in a lot of cases it kind of goes full circle...

Anyway, one more question! ...have you seen this before? :loco:
So I go away for 2 weeks and the 'Evile Discussion' comes alive! Maybe I should stay away.

Matt, would you rather be eaten alive by ants or lions?