
I didn't expect to like it, the story was a bit ricidulous but it was FUN. There's no way dropping 100 metres from a handglider, opening a parachute and then ramming a knife in to the top of some dudes skull ISN'T fun.


Thanks mate, glad you like what we do, i think a few people have found us through that youtube metallica thing, i could never figure out whether whoever did that, did it on purpose, or genuinely initially thought it was a metallica song and then just left it up anyway. who knows!? either way if people get to hear us who havent heard us before then it's a good thing.

As for tab books, maybe one day, i don't really think there's a great demand for them outside of the 5 people who have asked for them haha.
Agreed. The takedowns were glorious. Pulling a pin out of a dude's grenade and kicking him into his buddies and watching all blow up is insanely awesome.
That would be sick if you can, man! Thanks!

No problem, dude! I'm now a devoted, forever-fan. Definitely gonna pick up the new album!
And for that Youtube thing, I gotta say, it could have been because, and I have to give you credit, for a great deal of the song, you had a bit of a Black Album James vibe goin' on with your voice and I was really impressed! I honestly thought it was a Metallica song at first! And the composition was so good, it seemed believable... Until I looked it up, haha
But hey, if that helps spread the word, y'know...!

And it's all good, I'll look out for those if they ever see the light, haha!

So how's the weather over there?
I really don't think it's a matter of playback capability or skill, it's more about the influence in their style. I can imagine a lot of their songs as if James was singing 'em, and I believe Matt's got a lot of influence from Metallica. (Correct me if I'm wrong!)

... But I agree, Kirk couldn't. He could try. :lol: But Ol's a really great player, and he's got mad respect from me. You still gotta give credit where it's due, though, I still think Kirk's good at what he does, can work with what arsenal of solos he's got and what's more to come. :kickass:
Don't get me wrong, Ol is a super superb player BUT I'm sure he could play his stuff. I think you may be underestimating Kirk's ability.

EDIT: Then again, in hindsight I'm no guitarist/musician myself so I guess I'm not qualified to comment.
He could, in a studio, after many many tries, live? He would cover it up with so much wah to disguise all the dead notes, that riff has such fast pull offs that it makes me dizzy, but anyway aside from playin skills, none of Eviles riffs (especially the newer ones) sound like Metallica at all to me.


Have you ever heard of the guitar duet Rodrigo and Gabriela? And if so, do you like them?
They have this awesome metal background/inspiration and translate it to "spanish" sounding music through their acustic guitars, that's a band where I can definately hear heavy mgadeth/metallica influnces to their riffs.
Dammit... :bah:
I gotta level up.
Well, maybe I am underestimating him. He's still able to play all his solos, from what I know. (That fucking wah.)
Probably just the stigma of them getting older that made me think that. :(
The problem that always seems quite obvious with kirk is motivation, he always seems so......."sure, whatever, yeah thats cooool" dead laid back, and maybe his guitar playing suffers now because of it? i dont know.

When you watch the year and a half in the life of, he comes to do his solos and theyre rubbish, he blatantly just hasnt worked very hard, and thats for a massive album that took a year to make and release. In that context maybe that explains it? laziness? lack of motivation? easily distracted? who knows, it could be anything, but he certainly can't do live now, what he could do years ago.

i guess you have to accept a bit of the age factor as well, and also playing the same thing nearly every night for 20 years.....

He's still a great player though, i'd love to hear him playing guitar away from metallica. Like skolnik does away from testament.....
That leads onto a question I have actually... how're you not sick of playing your songs yet? Admittedly you don't have it anywhere near as bad as say, Lemmy (imagine having to play Ace of Spades every night for 30 years!) but still. I'd imagine playing Thrasher could ptoentially become a bit tiresome sometimes
I really like that input, thanks Matt. You took the words right out of my... Fingers.

And dammit, Matt, I'm so starstruck right now, I don't know how often you get that, but it's just... Holy shit, I can't believe I'm talking to Matt from Evile!!!
Is it bad to feel unworthy after pressing reply?

Also, riding off of Dave's question, yeah. Does it ever get tiresome?