Hey Matt
i wonder how to get a amazing thrash guitar sound like yours and Ol
can you tell something about your gear ?
What amps, pickups or pedals do you use to create a guitar sound that works fine with those fast riffs and thrashstyle ?
would be cool to hear some tipps

best regards from Germany
Last I checked (which admittedly was when Infected Nations came out) Matt used Seymour Duncan Blackouts as his main pickup choice. Because he knows his shit *raises hand to Matt for high five*
gear wise i use seymour duncan blackout ahb-2 pickups. but i take the small jumper pin off the back so it cuts the ridiculous power they have by half. i use no effects, just straight into an EVH 5150 III amp, bass mid treble and presence all on 6 (maybe 5 for bass) and i just twist gain around while palm muting until its not clean anymore, but before the palm muted note breaks up too much.

I only use an ISP decimator pedal through the effects loop to cut the amp noise (which admittedly isnt that much to begin with because theyre great amps!). no effects, i dont need them for what i play, although i would like a small delay for clean....
jeah in europe its allready released on amazone and it sounds realy realy amazing !


thanks matt for that detailed answer! theres not much musicans out there who are so "nearly" on the fans (hope you know what i mean)

good regards
Finally found a way to contact evile lol, damn near impossible, is an Australian tour in the cards anytime soon?
We definitely have the time! we just need someone to sort it out, we've been trying to do it for ages and it's just never happened. we arent that well known over there so no one is seemingly willing to put gigs on for us, especially with the cost of flights etc. it costs loooads of money and with us being a small band there probably cant be much chance of making that money back so its a big risk for someone to take.....
Gutted. Today is the day I was supposed to be becoming a permanent resident of Australia... but instead of being in Melbourne I'm suck over here in rainy Middlesbrough, lame. I'd have spoken to some promoters I know around Melbourne and stuff. Tried to get them onboard, because Evile are obviously a class live act - and they DO like their thrash over there!!!

Also, not got a question to ask you on Skull yet Matt. But I just want to say I've been listening to it a whole lot. Every day since I got it in fact and I think it's your finest hour (or, 48mins). Haven't really understood the negative comments I've read but of course there's always going to be some. Each to their own, but I'm loving it! :kickass:
We definitely have the time! we just need someone to sort it out, we've been trying to do it for ages and it's just never happened. we arent that well known over there so no one is seemingly willing to put gigs on for us, especially with the cost of flights etc. it costs loooads of money and with us being a small band there probably cant be much chance of making that money back so its a big risk for someone to take.....

There is defs a market for it over here, ALOT of touring agencies, if you guys are interested maybe talk to another big band around europe who is keen to do Australia, i know hypocrisy is, soundworks touring usually brings anyone over who shows interest.
I'm sure the band/label are doing all they can to get over there, as Matt said they've been trying to for ages and it's just not happened. Patience.

But saying that, having lived over there I know what it's like gig-wise and can imagine it'd be frustrating seeing Evile play all these shows in Europe and the States. Evile are the kind of band to make it worth the wait when they finally get over there though :kickass:
It will definitely be worth the wait. I'd be willing to donate funds to ensure they at least break even! I'm gonna network around a bit and see if I can help out in some way...