Asshats Versus the Heir Apparent


Nov 8, 2006
Is the topic of my new book, as well as this topic.

Why do asshats complain about the song as if it's in actual audio and not 4 kbps flash video recording?

well being one of the asshats (as you so call us/me/whatever) have to say that Heir Apparrent has no peaking moments, or even simple/emotional leads over riffs that really grab my attention. The new guiatarists solo is horrible, mike's glass slide solo has no real emotion in it.

The first time I head Ghost of Perdition I was blown the fuck away. I still the Ghost Reveries is there least interesting of all their albums, but it still has some great songs, GOP, Atonement, Isolation Years, Hours of Wealth, and there's good moments in every song, but this new song, just blows IMHO, and I'm just being a critic . . . . I don't wanna be like one of those movie reviewers who highly praise any new movie that's coming out (or give that impression anyway)

so feel free to bash me now
well being one of the asshats (as you so call us/me/whatever) have to say that Heir Apparrent has no peaking moments, or even simple/emotional leads over riffs that really grab my attention. The new guiatarists solo is horrible, mike's glass slide solo has no real emotion in it.

but this new song, just blows IMHO, and I'm just being a critic . . . . I don't wanna be like one of those movie reviewers who highly praise any new movie that's coming out (or give that impression anyway)

so feel free to bash me now

are you drunk?
well being one of the asshats (as you so call us/me/whatever) have to say that Heir Apparrent has no peaking moments, or even simple/emotional leads over riffs that really grab my attention. The new guiatarists solo is horrible, mike's glass slide solo has no real emotion in it.

The first time I head Ghost of Perdition I was blown the fuck away. I still the Ghost Reveries is there least interesting of all their albums, but it still has some great songs, GOP, Atonement, Isolation Years, Hours of Wealth, and there's good moments in every song, but this new song, just blows IMHO, and I'm just being a critic . . . . I don't wanna be like one of those movie reviewers who highly praise any new movie that's coming out (or give that impression anyway)

so feel free to bash me now

I understand everyone has their own opinion and obviously not everyone is going to like the song but I mean cmon it was their first time playing it live, meanwhile we havent even heard the album version yet so you really shouldnt criticize it to much just yet
the riffs alone on heir apparent are fucking PERIOD. i dont think the glass slide "solo" is supposed to impress you... did the the drapery falls slide solo impress you? no, it just established a feeling.
lolz i dint like hair apparent at all b/cuz it sounded like shit lol i dont know what they thinkin puttin such shitty music out lol opeth may as well have died afte rthey released still life lol everting else has suckd
Uhh . . . I disagree with the dude about everything after still life sucking . . . but . . . I'm not trying to be an asshole . . . I mean opeth is my favorite band and you're going to hold certain expectations for your favoriate band. And the sound quality isn't great on mellowboat but it isn't horrible. One can get a good first impression of the song's riffs/solo/song structure and so on from that performance. And it just wasn't anything that impressed me . . . . *shrugs*
I give them the benefit of the doubt until the album release when I can sit down and listen to it straight through. Mike is a genius so I expect nothing but genius from him. It may be different from previous albums but that is what is good about Opeth. No one can say they haven' t changed since Orchid but each continual step is "evolutionary", and thus derived and related to their earlier music.

If they put out the same shit album after album they would be no better then every other band (some exceptions). I expect the album will be a step different then their others, most likely in a new and progressive direction.

Mike is the best lyricist and songwriter I have ever heard. So erase all your expectations of what the new material is-going-to/should be cause if Mike wrote it, it will be fucking awesome music.
*resists temptation to write sarcastic post about 'bad production quality*
I normally can't stand bootlegs, but this song was so damn good I didn't care. It's definitely a new direction for 'peth, but it's sounding good so far
well being one of the asshats (as you so call us/me/whatever) have to say that Heir Apparrent has no peaking moments, or even simple/emotional leads over riffs that really grab my attention. The new guiatarists solo is horrible, mike's glass slide solo has no real emotion in it.

The first time I head Ghost of Perdition I was blown the fuck away. I still the Ghost Reveries is there least interesting of all their albums, but it still has some great songs, GOP, Atonement, Isolation Years, Hours of Wealth, and there's good moments in every song, but this new song, just blows IMHO, and I'm just being a critic . . . . I don't wanna be like one of those movie reviewers who highly praise any new movie that's coming out (or give that impression anyway)

so feel free to bash me now

Just die in a fire
I'm gay sometimes what can I say..But enough about Blink 182! This guy is judging a song on a live bootleg...The album is not out yet..He has never heard it..and He says its a dissapointment...This makes me want to vomit in ones face.