ATTN: Slipknot_Isn't_Metal

Well, speaking of Marilyn Manson:
I hate their posing and image-sells-strategy. Some of their music is ok, though, at least better than Slipknot, Korn, Papa Roach & Co.
Will someone please tell me why Slayer is starting to sound like a Mall-Metal band all of a sudden? It could be their new manager, i don't know, im not a doctor. But i did read somewhere that Kerry King said that he really liked what Slipshit was doing and that Slayer's new album was influenced a lot by their trash.
while i don't like his music, i respect manson because you can tell he's laughing his ass off on the way to the bank. whereas someone like fred durst actually thinks he's cool, manson is purposefully selling an image.
no matter what anyone tell you marilyn manson is NOT metal, second marilyn manson is NOT music. even my 55 year old mom right now sing beter than him. the guy can't even sing on stage. i don't want to repeat that guy name again.
Originally posted by terrymx
no matter what anyone tell you marilyn manson is NOT metal, second marilyn manson is NOT music. even my 55 year old mom right now sing beter than him. the guy can't even sing on stage. i don't want to repeat that guy name again.

well one ever said that manson is metal . but he is pretty good IMO .... songs like "coma white" and "coma black" are pretty good ..... now, i on't mind the music but i HATE his "mansonite" fans who fucking force it onto you that they're goth or some shit like that when they don't even know what being gothic is about. (and no i am not gothic ....i just know what it's all about) ... as for him, himself ....well i think he's pretty intelligent and creative...his only problem is that he doesn't know what direction to swing to (kinda seems like that to me) ....yup .
now, i on't mind the music but i HATE his "mansonite" fans who fucking force it onto you that they're goth or some shit like that when they don't even know what being gothic is about

They're the "commercial goths", in my experience.

But that's how I feel about Manson too. Good music.

I don't think he's joking..
Jester just has a broad appetite in music... He likes all kinds.. Thats cool, but saying 'Manson is my god' is going a little overboard Jester-babe... ~Licks him~
You'll learn..

Heya.. :)
Okay, not MY God, but A God :p