Australian Idol 2005

my mrs made a valid point:

"For someone on Australian Idol, Anthony Callea sings a lot of non-Australian songs. Not even in English."

If you were Aussie Idol, you'd think that an Aussie hit would be the way, but he got it big with wog hits. Pisses me off a tad.
Hmm. Quite a good show tonight, except for the following:

James - cya buddy. No good.
Anne - ruined a classic song. Awful.
Lee - BUTCHERED a classic song. Woeful. Can't believe they loved him. I'll give him this though - he's a master at covering up the fact that he can't sing a note. He speaks in pitch, and I think it'll win him the comp.
Thoroughly disagree Spiff. Except the James comment. And I didn't hear Anne. So thoroughly disagree with the Lee comment. I know every single person on this board is going to think the same as you, but if that song had to be punked up, that was the way to do it. If he'd done a death vocal instead of the happy thing he does, it would have sounded like Napalm Death. I like Napalm Death.
From what I caught:

Daniel Spillane = Going well, really enjoyed that.
Dan England = hmmm... suddenly, he's not as good as I thought he was. He always sounds the same... it's getting on my nerves.
Lee = yuck. Thinking about Gorey's David Lee Roth comment = David Lee Roth can at least sing. He doesn't rely on "punking up" a good song up to entertain people.
Yeah Dan's a weird one. Has an awesome voice but no emotion or high points.
He needs to have a 'moment' like Anothony C had with the prayer, or Guy had with Somewhere over the rainbow.... otherwise, he is in trouble. Too samey every week.

I thought Lee's interpretation of Roxanne was alot more derserving of a touchdown than EOTT... Still thought it was good though
ceydn said:
From what I caught:

Lee = yuck. Thinking about Gorey's David Lee Roth comment = David Lee Roth can at least sing. He doesn't rely on "punking up" a good song up to entertain people.

Dave isn't in a popularity contest. Lee has to pick a song people know, and do something to it because he knows he can't sing very well. He could have done "Holiday in Cambodia", but Mark would have pinned him again for being apolitical. So he did a song everyone knows, his own way. It's ok to hate the arrangement, but he did it well. :) I know we aren't going to agree about this, but I think that, for a show that's aimed directly at the most banal level of the mainstream, he's doing a fucking amazing job. Plus, he's really the only one putting his own spin on what he does. Everyone else is just doing karaoke.
I'm with Gore. Everyone else comes out and does a straight cover version with maybe a few vocal trills and says at the end "well, that's just me, and my interpretation of the song". Lee goes out and makes it his own, vocal gymnastics and actual tunefulness be damned. He's the only one that I actually want to see every week.

I also agree with Sprucey, his version of Roxanne was better.

I really, really hope Lee comes second. If he wins it's going to kill his career.
Holden doesn't actually have anything to do with the winner's album or anything like that. Didn't last year, anyway, and I'm pretty sure he didn't write anything on Guy's album.
And let me say I had no problem with the arrangement of the song - top stuff. Just his performance, like.

Yeah. Oh well. Nobody I spoke to at work agreed with me, they all love him. Fairy nuff.
I think Lee deserved the touchdown. He isn't a strong singer, but that aside, he is doing everything right. The judges keep saying they want the complete package and just singing isn't enough, you need to entertain, and Lee does. If it was between someone who sang brilliantly with absolutely no personality or feeling, and Lee doing what he does, Lee should win. I am actually surprised that no one else is following his leed and trying to have fun and entertain.

James should go this week. While Lee isn't a great singer but does everything right, James isn't a great singer whilst doing nothing else right either. Everyone was at least solid this week, except James.

I am disappointed in Kate. If she let loose this week with the song she sang, she could have easily scored a touchdown, but she just seems to hold back. Annoying to watch.

The last two weeks Daniel has stepped up, but at this stage he should be next to go after James. Beyond that, I can see anyone taking it further, getting touchdowns, and maybe winning.

Vocally, Emily and Anne are leagues ahead of the rest, and they both have personality on the stage too. Not sure about Dan at this stage, I think he is capable of a touchdown, but not if he keeps cruising like he has been.