

Nov 14, 2007
Abbotsford, B.C.
So apparently Axenrot has a split personality! :kickass:
Anybody know anything about this? Mike has mentioned it here and there, but any other facts would be pretty interesting :):p
The topic was not discussed, it was mentioned. It is that big of a deal to see if anybody knows anything other then that he has a split personality?
All I've heard about it was what was said on the Watershed doc, and it wasn't much. I wasn't really even sure if he was being serious. :erk:
If you don't have any input on the subject refrain from using harsh/unnecessary comments, he only asked a question.

As to the question, I have only heard of it through the documentary, no where else. Would be cool if it was explained in detail. Haha!
I don't think anyone cares, I just think they want to know more.

Any interviews with Axe's alt. ego?
If you don't have any input on the subject refrain from using harsh/unnecessary comments, he only asked a question.

As to the question, I have only heard of it through the documentary, no where else. Would be cool if it was explained in detail. Haha!

sorry if I offended you. I bet you want a pat on the shoulder dont you? Im just sick of people repeating themselves over and over
who cares if Axe is split personality? Hes a damn fine drummer and thats all that matters.

So basically your saying that if you found out that Mr. Akerfeldt drinks goats milk through tube socks, you would just say well who cares, he just plays guitar and does vocals, thats all that matters. Yeah everyone I think we should stop asking questions and discussing things on this forum. It just doesnt matter you know?