Hahahahahaahahaha, very nice dude
And I think this thread has somewhat lost its way, cuz the original idea as I understand it was for BAD jokes, and man oh man, I have the ultimate stinker!

It's my dad's favorite (of course, Dad's always tell the worst

So there's a communist couple living deep behind the Iron Curtain back during the Cold War days. Their names are Rudolph and Olga. Rudolph comes home from work on the communal farm one day.
"Rudolph, where have you been? I had dinner ready an hour ago, and now it's stone cold"
"I'm sorry Olga, but it's pouring rain out there, I couldn't see 2 feet in front of me!"
Olga looked out the window, and declared "Rudolph, you schlaka, it's definitely not raining, that's snow"
To which Rudolph replies..."Look Olga - Rudolph the red knows rain, dear!"