Bands in Purgatory


New Metal Member
Feb 16, 2014
Dearborn, MI
Hey, who here wants to discuss bands that may or may not ever create a new album and sort of maybe might be broken up but we don't quite know?

Personally I have just one but know there are tons more out there, just cant think of any atm.

Anyway, that one is Anata

Anata has been in developmental hell for the past almost decade now. A shame too since they made technical melodeath in a way that is completely separate from the Gothenburgy concept.
Lamented Souls, there's been talk of a new album since 2010 but Vortex has 'supposedly' been focusing on Arcturus and other members are busy with other projects. But there's no news of a new Arcturus album either, aside from a very cryptic newish profile banner on their facebook.

Either one I'd be incredibly excited about.
^ That would be cool.

Lots of bands seem to be in limbo, so to speak. Arcturus won't tell their fans anything about a new record other than it's 'happening', Savage Circus won't divulge anything either, nor will Cain's Offering, to name a few.
I kept hearing rumors that Deprecated was making a comeback but nothing seems to materialize. They released a single track like three years ago and that was it.
Holy shit I forgot about Hexen for like years!!! I listened to them a little bit in high school. Gotta see what's up there.

Also reminds me of Hecate Enthroned, whom I also forgot about for years, I had some song of theirs as my myspace theme song for a loooong time. Wonder if I'd still like them. Or if I can figure out what awesome song that was.

Edit: Nope, Bishop of Hexen is who I was thinking of.
I was beginning to feel Dead Congregation was drifting into purgatory before that announcement a couple of months ago.

Also, Divine Eve was supposed to be working on a new album a longass fucking time ago and just never re-surfaced. Like, when I saw them something like 18 months ago, they were supposed to be in studio. Damn near no updates since. Must be lazy fuckers.

Not remotely "in purgatory" and not metal, but I wish Burial would take their brilliant EP ideas and release another damn full length one day.
Not remotely "in purgatory" and not metal, but I wish Burial would take their brilliant EP ideas and release another damn full length one day.

Haha, I was just listening to Rival Dealers the other day. Definitely agree here. I could make a pretty big list of those types that seem to have either fallen off the face of the earth or just stopped doing anything to speak of.
I forgot LH supposedly had a new album coming out, but now I remember reading that much on their website. This was years ago. They also had song samples that sounded nice. I wonder what happened?

I wouldn't say Hexen is in limbo. Being and Nothingness came out not too long ago, in 2012
I was beginning to feel Dead Congregation was drifting into purgatory before that announcement a couple of months ago.

Also, Divine Eve was supposed to be working on a new album a longass fucking time ago and just never re-surfaced. Like, when I saw them something like 18 months ago, they were supposed to be in studio. Damn near no updates since. Must be lazy fuckers.

Not remotely "in purgatory" and not metal, but I wish Burial would take their brilliant EP ideas and release another damn full length one day.

I'm a big fan of the Vengeful and Obstinate EP and am really looking forward to a Divine Eve fullength, but I have not come across anything recently. I do not understand what the problem is.
Angelcorpses last album sucked, Gene and Pete need to patch things up asap. Make a real comeback album this time