Anyone that doesnt like Vince Gill needs their head examined or at least their ears cleaned out.... lol. I will say I thought that one song was going to be Lay Down Sally at first. Nashville has always had great players, Atkins and Reed if you reach back. I can remember 2 or 3 times in my youth watching HeeHaw (yea, Im a country boy) that I actually got to see Roy Clark come out and play his guitar and he blew my mind, made me realize that Jimi and Jimmy werent the ends all of guitar playing. Anyone old enough to remember the early 70's pop song Nashville Cats, was about Nashville guitar pickers. We saw its influence in quite a few great Southern Rock players. Country style was a strong influence on Steve Morses playing as well, to me he is the king of chicken pickin' though he may be limited compared to those that stick to the one style. I was always impressed by country players and I dont have a feel for it whatsoever. The nice thing about Country is the clarity. Bluegrass has some intense musicians as well, vocals can be a bit grating. Hell I like alot of the stuff I've watched Willie Nelson play, good example of when less is more.
I like Seal alot... few songs I've heard, great voice
Chapman, though I was pissed they robbed Etheridge of that grammy, emmy, whatever in their debut year, her work was far more significant in my opinion.
Greendays had some great songs.
What about Crack the Sky ? Nobody likes Crack the Sky