Bands that have sold out?

Tiamat didn't sell out. There IS a difference between changing styles and selling out. Tiamat became more gothy, but hardly changed to conform to what's popular.

Uhh... CRYPTOPSY sold the fuck out. Jesus christ.
Tiamat didn't sell out. There IS a difference between changing styles and selling out. Tiamat became more gothy, but hardly changed to conform to what's popular.

Uhh... CRYPTOPSY sold the fuck out. Jesus christ.

I think tiamat did sell out, look at wildhoney and the shit today, a little bit of marilyn manson going in i think. I cant describe them anymore, to me they have definately sold out!!

The Beatles*.
And if they got their later psychedelic/progressive sound from selling out, then that's the best thing they could ever have done.

I'm gonna spice up this thread and state that I think Paradise Lost was a nice piece of sellout material.
The Beatles*.
And if they got their later psychedelic/progressive sound from selling out, then that's the best thing they could ever have done.

I'm gonna spice up this thread and state that I think Paradise Lost was a nice piece of sellout material.

i dunno, ill have to think about paradise lost, you might just get away with saying it was a minor change, its still SX, but yeah, its got a more popular vien to it now.

Looking at my avatar, Rainbow and Ritchie blackmore sold out incredibly, i mean listen to the difference from Dio to Graham Bonnet and that cunt joe lynn turner.

maybe some priest albums aswell, but thats all i can really think off right now looking at my playlists
There IS a difference between changing styles and selling out.

this is how I typically feel but will add in the maturing factor, allow for having less creative moments, allow for personal expression and various interests in music and creativity

I can think of some bands that changed to where I wasnt crazy about them anymore, some I didnt like much until they changed, I've never been one to adapt the words "sell out", I cant think for other musicians or believe I know their reasons for doing anything they do. Im sure most want to sell thier music and make a good living... fast cars... wild women... good times :lol: I know since recording history many have been put "under the gun" to make music someone would buy "or else", but thats the more commercially oriented music to begin with. Alot of those guys had more they wanted to offer but werent allowed. Tuff business... the music industry
Children of Bodom, definately.

I don't agree. I guess their sound wound up getting a bit more commercial on Are You Dead Yet? but Blooddrunk is back to where they were on Hate Crew, and even thrashier. They ditched the gay neoclassical shit, and thats an improvement IMO. Alexi said they did that because "all these other Finnish bands started copying us, so we wanted to maintain our own sound."

edit: Also, the notion of arguing when a band has "sold out" is a moot point anyway, since selling out implies a band or artist going against their integrity in hopes of pleasing other people, and to know whether or not the band honestly wants to change their sound or not, we'll never know, since that would require crawling inside the artists' head.

And also, what about an artist that gets more commercial because thats what they honestly really want to do with their art, and an artist who puts the same shit out over and over just to please their fans, even though they're just going through the motions? I think I'd rather listen to the former than the latter.
I don't agree. I guess their sound wound up getting a bit more commercial on Are You Dead Yet? but Blooddrunk is back to where they were on Hate Crew, and even thrashier. They ditched the gay neoclassical shit, and thats an improvement IMO. Alexi said they did that because "all these other Finnish bands started copying us, so we wanted to maintain our own sound."

edit: Also, the notion of arguing when a band has "sold out" is a moot point anyway, since selling out implies a band or artist going against their integrity in hopes of pleasing other people, and to know whether or not the band honestly wants to change their sound or not, we'll never know, since that would require crawling inside the artists' head.

And also, what about an artist that gets more commercial because thats what they honestly really want to do with their art, and an artist who puts the same shit out over and over just to please their fans, even though they're just going through the motions? I think I'd rather listen to the former than the latter.

I understand where you're coming from but i do think in most cases it is selling out. Its a very hard industry to make a living and i know most of my fav bands have day jobs. But i do think you can tell when a bands blatantly selling out or getting with the times, i really don't think the change would be that radical otherwise?
CoB totally sold out. Hate Crew was the first sign and it was downhill from there. And if they didn't sell out, they just bite ass now... but I would say sell out.

And the "gay neoclassical stuff" was what got most people, myself included, into Bodom. Since they abandoned that element to go with the shit they are putting out now, a lot of old school fans have given them the finger.

I'll be the first to admit that a lot of times the term "sell out" is used interchangably with "this band now sucks the big one". But a band can drastically change their sound without appealing to mainstream audiences. Take for instance Ulver... changed drastically, maintained integrity. Same with Tiamat (which is why i will never say they sold out). They got worse for sure, but have hardly become the band that co-headlines with Killswitch Engage. In Flames on the other hand made steps to change their sound to appeal to a broader range of folks, plus their attitudes reflect this (at least that of Anders).

And to Razoredge, bands can certainly sell out and the ones with any integrity WILL and DO admit it haha. Take Grave Digger for instance. In the mid or late 80's they released an album under the name "Digger" that was a complete sell out album (ironically, the last track on the album was the hardest and fastest song they ever did). Is it a particularly bad album? No, it's a fun rockin' album, but it was written and recorded in hopes that they would hit a different and more popular audience, which they admit. They have said that they made it trying to make more money, it failed so they went back to what they wanted to do.
You're right Matt. Grave Digger have no integrity at all. Despite the return to heavy metal and releasing such masterpieces as Reingold, Tunes of War, Excalibur, Knights of the Cross and others, the fact that at one point in their career they tried to expand their fanbase by making a single album of accessable rock forever taints them. Furthermore, the fact that they admit it only solidifies their epic descent into poserdom, whereas bands like Children of Bodom can turn to pure shit but since they don't admit that they're doing so makes them continue to be "tr00 meh-tul"


edit: I think that Grave Digger being able to pull out a decent album even in their darkest hour of selling out says something about the talent in the band. Even if they're still "metal" (the kind that all the kiddies at hot topic enjoy), Bodom's songwriting has declined so hard. oh well, they "kick ass" right?
I like both Grave Digger and Bodom, although I like Bodom a hell of a lot more.

You missed the winky face next to my comment, sir, it was made only in half-seriousness.

I don't feel that Bodom's songwriting has declined, in fact, I think its gotten more solid, overall. As much as the "old" Bodom fans like to bag on their last 3 albums, heres something those albums don't have that the first 3 do: filler. Who the fuck remembers what songs like In the Shadows, The Nail, Wrath Within, Black Widow, Taste my Scythe, and Northern Comfort sound like? Meanwhile there is not a single bad track on Blooddrunk, and the weaker songs on AYDY? and HCDR are still not as weak as the previously mentioned fillers.

I noticed the jab at "hot topic kiddies"... if there is one thing I do not give a shit about, its how popular a band is, or who listens to them. If I like them, thats all that matters to me. Good for Bodom for achieving success doing what they love doing, I'm sure Alexi's crying all the way to the ESP custom shop for his free signature models because some kids on the internet think he sold out. (not necessarily you, just sayin')

Now if you want to discuss Bodom's live performance, I'll say that on the last tour they were getting lazy, especially Alexi. Hopefully they picked up the slack with this new one.
sorry but i still think bodom is good shit, all of their albums iMO are good and im far from a "fanboy". honestly even though hatecrew and aydy are slightly less neoclassical i still think that they have some great songs and i dont really see how any of the songs on those 2 albums would appeal to mainstream audiences as it doesnt sound like crap. in flames is one of the biggest examples of a "sellout" unfortunately since I really used to love the stuff they did. honestly i dont give a fuck what whoever says is a sellout or not, im just gonna listen to what I like and whatever some random people on forums say isnt going to change that at all. sorry but im a little drunk, i just felt like giving my 2 cents on bodom
I downloaded a couple of Bodom songs once...... they got deleted. I felt their entire "vocal" approach was a total sell out due to the fact that they were grumbling into the microphone like every other current "metal" band, because its the latest coolest thing to do, which in my book is a total sellout to musical integrity.

"damn dude! why do you always have to turn the tables and put a twist into everything"

"cause Im an ass hole" :heh: