Bands that you fucking HATE.

Dreamlord said:
I hate Burzum's music and Varg, but I respect what he did for metal. Does that count?
No, that makes sense. I think Varg is a putz, but I love Hvis lyset tar oss and will probably pick up more Burzum later on.

I cannot stand Kiss, but I'm not sure if I hate them. They are about the gayest band ever though.

Yes, Jimmy Buffet fucking BLOWS!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU JIMMY BUFFET YOU FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note: NAD got especially pissed off at Jimmy "the fag" Buffet when a god damn Margaritaville closed down his favorite fucking bar in 2002. :mad:
Let's see...
- Jimmy Buffet does need to die
- AC/DC and Judas Priest totally rule
- Too Fast For Love by Motley Crue is the best rock record of the 80's

And I'll add Isis to bands I hate with a bloody passion.
Dreamlord said:
why Isis, may I ask?
One must justify one's hate? Maybe I just do and that's enough. :)

I used to have a roommate who listened to them all the time, along with all that Hydra Head shit (more hate more hate!). I tried, even went and saw them live, I find it very pretentious and nauseating. Some music and people are just oil and water, that's me and Isis (along with all bands of similar ilk).

I hate Finntroll.
Today is the Day is cool.

I hate 311, even though I've seen them live more than a few times, my old roommates played them SO. FUCKING. MUCH. that now the very thought of them makes me batty. Batty I say!
I was going to say Devin Townsend, but then I realized it wasn't really him that I hate, but it's the fanboys who go ga-ga over him like he's the second coming of Goat. Yes, both Opeth and Dan Swano have similar type fanboys, but at least you can somewhat substantiate why those guys generate an interest, but Devin Townsend? Puh-lease.

I've only heard two of his CD's: Accelerated Evolution is ok. It is not that great, but it has its moments. Infinity, hands down, is one of the worst CD's I've ever heard in my entire life. Just abysmal. How any of that garbage is considered original is beyond me. I took my copy with me to Prog Power III with hopes of having him sign it so I could sell it to some fanboy for $100 million rupees on eBay. I couldn't get him to sign it though. Why? Because of the 500 hundred fans in front of me salivating to tea bag him.

Ugly fuck, shit music, but worst fan boys ever.
jimbobhickville said:
Let's see, I hate the following bands because people associate them with metal and I have to deal with that:
Judas Priest
I'm trembling in anticipation at hearing your explanation of how Judas Priest is NOT all that is metal. Please, enlighten me.
From another thread:
markgugs said:
And don't forget Motley Crue. They pwned us all.
They certainly didn't pwn me in any sort of way, but I don't hate them. Nikki Sixx can go suck a huge donkey dick though, that dude seriously sucks. I'd rather hang out with Tommy Lee and his 50 year old spent groupies than even imagine that Sixx fuck. :yuk:
NAD said:
From another thread: They certainly didn't pwn me in any sort of way, but I don't hate them. Nikki Sixx can go suck a huge donkey dick though, that dude seriously sucks. I'd rather hang out with Tommy Lee and his 50 year old spent groupies than even imagine that Sixx fuck. :yuk:
NAD, if you cannot realize the sheer balls-out genius of "Too Fast..." and "Shout..." you missed out on an oh-so-important aspect of your youth, you big dummy.
I didn't say I didn't like the Crüe, they just never pwn3d me. ;)

I didn't really appreciate their stuff until a few years ago, and I've yet to own any of their albums.
We SO need a thread on hair bands....such underrated guitarists: Warren DeMartini, George Lynch, Kee Marcello, Ritchie Kotzen, Jason Becker, and even Slash I think is underrated (just because he's almost forgotten).

By the way, I was watching Howard Stern last night where Donna D'Errico talked about the threesomes she's gotten into with Nikki Sixx and some 'random chick', and she thinks one of those random chicks turned out to be a tranny. :ill:
JayKeeley said:
I was going to say Devin Townsend, but then I realized it wasn't really him that I hate, but it's the fanboys who go ga-ga over him like he's the second coming of Goat. Yes, both Opeth and Dan Swano have similar type fanboys, but at least you can somewhat substantiate why those guys generate an interest, but Devin Townsend? Puh-lease.

I've only heard two of his CD's: Accelerated Evolution is ok. It is not that great, but it has its moments. Infinity, hands down, is one of the worst CD's I've ever heard in my entire life. Just abysmal. How any of that garbage is considered original is beyond me. I took my copy with me to Prog Power III with hopes of having him sign it so I could sell it to some fanboy for $100 million rupees on eBay. I couldn't get him to sign it though. Why? Because of the 500 hundred fans in front of me salivating to tea bag him.

Ugly fuck, shit music, but worst fan boys ever.
you're going on my ignore list for those comments, i hope you know.