Bands that you used to love, and now can't listen to anymore

I started a similar thread on the ProgPower forum. Although my thread was more about "losing interest" than "can't listen to". Regardless, I'll just cut and paste what I wrote there...

Evergrey - I suspect this is about two things. First, their change in direction doesn't appeal to me. Second, when I saw them at Jaxx, they were so drunk, they could barely stand. I lost a bit of respect for them that night.

Symphony X - although I think the new disc is good/very good, I don't like the fact that they're growing heavier with each release. I understand they need to make a living, and that playing Power Metal sells more t-shirts than playing Prog Metal. However, it's just not what I want from them.

Dark Tranquillity - although most everything they do, they put their heart and soul into, they're becoming monotonous.

Soilwork - they continue to grow more and more melodic (e.g. softer). Although there's still moments where you see flashes of their roots, the shift in direction seems like a deliberate ploy to sell more tix/CDs/t-shirts.

Opeth - Deliverance was sub-par, Damnation was disappointing, and Ghost Reveries was flat out awful. While I think it's somewhat likely that Mikael will eventually drift back into a creative head space that appeals to me, Opeth is no longer a blind buy for me.

Kamelot - this is a band that really needs to shake things up. When I heard the new CD for the first time, I could easily predict change before they happened. No longer a blind buy for me.

Opeth and Cradle of Filth would definitely top the list for me. Their newer material is such garbage that I have no desire whatsoever to listen to them in any capacity even though I own the first several albums from each.

Gehenna might also be on this list. Used to love them but, as I stated in another thread, their material doesn't seem to stand the test of time for me.
So I'm curious about the process that leads to dismiss bands. Do you guys set them aside because you listened to them ad nauseam, or because they turned to shit somewhere down the line so you can't even bear to spin their earlier, goodly material?
Opeth would definitely be an exemple of the latter approach for me, however stupid it is.
I also find I cannot sit through an Empyrium album these days, shame that... :erk:
So I'm curious about the process that leads to dismiss bands. Do you guys set them aside because you listened to them ad nauseam, or because they turned to shit somewhere down the line so you can't even bear to spin their earlier, goodly material?

Interesting question... I think for me it's a little of both.
Something I used to love, played it a lot in the past,
then set aside, and nowadays whenI play it: it doesn't hit me the same way it did before...
I used to love some Iced Earth albums, but I played them recently and
I just couldn't stand it for more than 3 songs... same with Primordial...
I used to love them... then few years went by that I havn't played their albums, - and now when I listen to it, I can't take all that folk crap anymore.
Maybe it's just timing...
Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Opeth, Zyklon, Behemoth.

thats the stuff that comes right ot my head.

Some stuff was great before, and then I've discovered a different band that does something similar but better.

Sometimes the bands new direction pisses me off so much or sucks so bad, I can't help but think of it when I hear their older stuff (IN Flames).

and finally, some stuff I've just outgrown, moved on, life situation has changed, or whatever. I listen to a lot more traditional doom (never liked it much before) than ever before, and a whole lot less harsh black metal (non-pagan/viking black metal). Mostly because my outlook on life has changed.
My list of bands would be absolutely huge, because every 3 months for 2 years my taste in metal changed. Finally about 3 years a go I finally have stuck in the same stuff. The only band that I used to listen to loads that is consistent to what I listen to now is probably Suffocation. I think I just found stuff that I enjoy more over Effigy and Pierced, like Morpheus Descends!
Nevermore, Opeth, In Flames, Behemoth, Iced Earth, Black Label Society, Gay Theater, Children of Boredom

By the way Karen, check out Primordials last album. I was damn tired of them too but it rekindled my interest in them and is maybe their best yet.
yeah, nevermore as well. I still like their stuff, I just almost never listen to it. I think I listened to it last week at work... 1 album and then I was done.
There are two different scenarios for me. The "they suck so badly now I don't bother to pull their older material out" and then there's the stuff that simply doesn't hold up over time. I didn't play it too much and they never went to shit (they just went away in many cases), their stuff just isn't that great.
But you know, it's amazing... some things I like for over 10-15 years now, and when I play them, I still love every note on them
(thrash, death, old BM etc)
but some things just annoy me to no end and I'm thinking of just getting rid of the CDs.
Like Iced Earth.... and Primordial... and some Old Man's Child... It's just boring to me
to play it again... but some things, are timeless I guess.