Bands who should be at ProgPower 14...

like the Sybreed idea a LOT
Maybe one or 2 more bands I like..
Leave some time for shoots next year
(I'm not greedy,just give me about 3 great bands I love and I'm happy)
I'll put up my wishlist of bands I want to see:

Time Machine
Time Requiem
Demons & Wizards
Secret Sphere with Luppi
Andre Matos (with any band)
Axel Rudi Pell
Beautiful Sin
Hammers Of Misfortune
Within Temptation
I must preface this by saying how grateful I am for so many incredible line-ups Glen has already done, so that this is NOT in ANY WAY taken as a critique for what he has put together or will put together in the future.

Yeah, I would also like to put my picks in the context of fanboy geeking out (ala arguing who would win between Superman and Batman) and not Monday morning quarterbacking or saying how things should be.

But I would like to would not mind seeing some of these bands that I have gotten into recently.

Damnation Angels
Night Flight Orchestra (not really power or prog, but perhaps an oddball?)

Devin Townsend
Ark reunion (I know I am in the realm of pure fantasy now)

And selfishly since I missed them at previous PP's
Seventh Wonder

It is funny as I do this list how this year's line-up looks very close to a dream line-up I would have done last year.
freak Kitchen - Cooking For Pagans will be out by then, you know you want to hear Anal Bleach, live!

Gno - I think they'd go over well, even with all the bitching! :Smokedev:

Morglbl - Time to break the no instrumental band curse, the new cd is insanely good! Would be good for clinics, too, if you want to do that again.

Triosphere - They will slay! :headbang:

Devil's Train - They'd ROCK Center Stage! :kickass:

Always thankful for the last 12 PPUSAs, whatever Glenn decides on, will be cool! :D
I'm gonna go full "fantasy" mode....because I don't believe for a minute something like this happens:

Night 1 headliners-Jon Oliva's Pain & Circle II Circle
Night 2 headliner- One Night Only...SAVATAGE (farewell show?)

The Gathering
Between the Buried and Me
Last Chance to Reason
The Safety Fire
The Contortionist
Ne Obliviscaris
THIS! :kickass:

I will always hope and pray that Avantasia could be a possibility, and I know it's a logistical and financial nightmare, but maybe by having all of the guest musicians bands playing the fest?

Andre Matos solo or the reunited Viper
Trillium (Amanda Somerville
Unisonic (Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske)
Edguy (Felix and of course Tobi!)

I think if this happened, it would be the most epic lineup ever. In a good way. This also sounds like it'd be financially expensive with all of the bigger names. I have no qualms about being fueled by hope, however...

I know it hasn't been super long, but I'd love Threshold due to the new album coming out, and the fact that I missed them last time they came. That was the year before I started attending ProgPower.

It's always really interesting to read these threads, because there are a surprising number of bands whom I've not heard of. So I get to discover a lot of new music this way.

I'm just happy we get the chance to put together these crazy lists as usual for one more year!
Circus Maximus
Pagan's Mind
Seventh Wonder
Sun Caged
Fracture (Australia)
Haji's kitchen
Ne Obliviscaris
Speaking to Stones
Section A
Aeon Zen

OK, that's enough! :)
Personally, I don't really care....whoever Glenn wants/gets to play works for me. It's always cool to see who he lands each year....some years are more attractive to me than others, but that's what makes it fun. The times I've been, I always end up being introduced to a new kick-ass band that I had not been exposed to before.
"Should"...well...based on that word alone instead of want or needs...mentioned so far I only see Anubis Gate as a "Should Be", though there are a good few I really do not know. (btw, I like them, not in love with them).

Sabaton & Mustasch would make great returnees as they are is good.

So...I was thinking....which for those who know me is rarely a good thing for me or those directly affected by my episodes of thinking, or for that matter, any one nearby....that Morglbl would be a great Wed. night small gig thing, or Thursday night opener as these guys are just so much fun and despite being a vocally challenged band they are a fun & entertaining live crew!!! (See there is that fun word again, twice...I like that word)

Personally, I have very few I would put to a list, and those I would are not going to happen (see appropriate dream lists thread), though I suppose mentioning the above bands could constituent a list but hell, I suppose it is my post so I say it is not "a list".....where was I....oh, if I had to pick one, that at some point in time could actually be considered a realistic possibility, that I would personally want and need to see, which I suppose no one is making me do but is completely of my own doing.......Wuthering Heights.

One quick last thought...If one starts a sentence with "personally", does one really need to then follow it with "I" ???.......just a thought.....
....that Morglbl would be a great Wed. night small gig thing, or Thursday night opener as these guys are just so much fun and despite being a vocally challenged band they are a fun & entertaining live crew!!! (See there is that fun word again, twice...I like that word)

Totally agree, they have to play at least an hour though! ;) There would be great music, the audience would have FUN, the BAND would have fun! Brutal Romance, the new cd, is climbing its way to the top of my 2012 favorite cds...
as I'm FINALLY getting The Maids this year, I have no "list". I do have 2 suggestions that I think would be extremely interesting to invite:

1. In Extremo. Saw these guys on Koshick's fest back around '99/2000 and they just blew the place up. They have an extensive catalog, an interesting angle, and songwriting chops on top of it all. I don't know much but I know they'd win a LARGE number of fans over at PP.

2. Anthem. First of all, I'm not sure we've had a Japanese band so that'd be a cool angle. Second of all, this band's catalog runs for decades. Third of all, since about 2000 Anthem have just been releasing skull crushing melodic metal. Having seen the excitement that Loudness whipped up at M3, this seems like a logical addition to me.

I respectfully submit for consideration. :headbang:
I would still love to see something not even imagined possible, and get Mr. Arjen A. Lucassen to show up with a band, some singers, and do his thing for a few hours. I could then die happy.
After ten of these things my "bucket list" for this kind of music is pretty small.

Royal Hunt (w. DC Cooper)
Andre Matos (in any band, really)
Death to All

My must-have returnees are Voyager and Leprous.