Bands who should be at ProgPower 14...

I've loved every lineup and I'm sure I'll love 2013, but for fun here's my list:

Shadow Gallery
Between the Buried and Me
Royal Hunt
Crimson Glory

I would be happy with any of this:
Dragonland (do they even tour)
Fairyland (don't know if they tour either)
Solar Fragments
Blind Guardian
Personally, I don't really care....whoever Glenn wants/gets to play works for me. It's always cool to see who he lands each year....some years are more attractive to me than others, but that's what makes it fun. The times I've been, I always end up being introduced to a new kick-ass band that I had not been exposed to before.

I am totally on the same page. Even if during the video announcement, I am like "ehhh" (mostly cause I may not know who half the line-up is), when I actually attend, I am blown away by a lot of the bands and find some new favorites!

But I do have a personal wish list regardless, and this is just me expressing my interests, cause I know that Glenn already has bands in mind :)

Anubis Gate
A Sound of Thunder
Southern Cross
Teodor Tuff
Mirrormaze (would love to see Fabio D'Amore live fronting his new band)
Trillium (Amanda Somerville)
Dark Empire
Headspace (not sure if they play live, but the new album is awesome with Damian Wilson on vocals)
Visions of Atlantis (new singer)
Devin Townsend (with Anneke) - sorry totally forgot this one, so I had to edit my posting!
I'm kind of interested to see who the wild cards are going to be that NOBODY is predicting. This year three bands I had never heard of made the bill (Kingcrow, Sinbreed and Beyond the Bridge) and I'm pumped for each one of them. It's fun to speculate, but the surprises usually turn out well, too.
This year was too close for comfort. But, here is a wish list:

Iron Mask
Amberian Dawn
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
Dark Moor
Seven Kingdoms
Halcyon Way (Why not? They've earned a 2 spot)
Shadow Gallery
Golden Resurrection
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
Sun Caged

Not saying it makes sense in any order...but these are the bands I'd LOVE to see.
Yngwie Malmsteen
Psychotic Waltz
Manilla Road
Shadow Gallery
Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
Crimson Glory OR Queensryche
Royal Hunt

I would say Blind Guardian, but they've already stated that they will absolutely not play any shows until at least 2014.
I think Unisonic would be a big draw.

But no one has mentioned Mercury Falls....and they have a new album coming out. Since I missed Angel Dust, this is as close as I could get. Would be awesome.


I agree with the Dark Moor. Would be amazing.
Avalanche...another band from Spain that will never come here without something like ProgPower to bring them!
Kontrust would be amazing fun!
The Magnificent
Powerwolf would put on a great show I'd think

oddballs: D.A.D, Moon Safari, Three and GLOBUS!

And I missed Pagan's Mind. Will they have a new disc by then?

Since no one has thrown it out there: How about trying out the "new" Queensryche? lol
Based on the original post of "should" be there, Unisonic would seem to have some good drawing power, Anubis Gate has been too long coming, I don't like Wolverine, but they seem like another "can't believe they haven't been here yet" band. Possibly Axel Rudi Pell as well. I think many are still looking forward to the Sabaton headlining set as well. I'll throw Orden Ogan out there as well.
Based on the original post of "should" be there, Unisonic would seem to have some good drawing power, Anubis Gate has been too long coming, I don't like Wolverine, but they seem like another "can't believe they haven't been here yet" band. Possibly Axel Rudi Pell as well. I think many are still looking forward to the Sabaton headlining set as well. I'll throw Orden Ogan out there as well.

Sabaton headlining sets aren't exactly hard to come by these days.
2. Anthem. First of all, I'm not sure we've had a Japanese band so that'd be a cool angle. Second of all, this band's catalog runs for decades. Third of all, since about 2000 Anthem have just been releasing skull crushing melodic metal. Having seen the excitement that Loudness whipped up at M3, this seems like a logical addition to me.

F**K YES! Their last 5 albums are killer, plus i mean their classic stuff is classic!