Bands with no bad releases....

Not even close to a Nu-Metal band. They're just metal. I love them, and still to this day, there is nothing that gets the pit moving more than a Pantera cover.

...and I don't consider them nu-metal either. They are some kinda tough-guy metal. They seem more closely related to hardcore than metal in some ways, and I think they helped encourage the whole 90's HC movement to some degree, though never really being a HC band. They were one of the few metal bands that the media was aware of at the time. That along with simple, easy to digest tunes made them the metal band of the 90's...just about by default.
...and I don't consider them nu-metal either. They are some kinda tough-guy metal. They seem more closely related to hardcore than metal in some ways, and I think they helped encourage the whole 90's HC movement to some degree, though never really being a HC band. They were one of the few metal bands that the media was aware of at the time. That along with simple, easy to digest tunes made them the metal band of the 90's...just about by default.

HC??? dude, pantera was a jazz metal band that reinvented the way of metal and influenced many horrible bands, but they (pantera) were great at all
Yep, jazz metal! Dimebag had a strong influence from jazz. Just pay attention to the solos and most of the riffs. And what i could say about Vinnie Paul? he was the best drummer of heavy metal for a moment, and he had been chosen the best by the Modern Drummer Magazine.
...and I don't consider them nu-metal either. They are some kinda tough-guy metal. They seem more closely related to hardcore than metal in some ways, and I think they helped encourage the whole 90's HC movement to some degree, though never really being a HC band. They were one of the few metal bands that the media was aware of at the time. That along with simple, easy to digest tunes made them the metal band of the 90's...just about by default.

Yep. Everybody can see how B. B. King has influenced bands like Exhumed and Enthroned :lol:

The way in which metal guitar players play the guitar, create riffs and solos, and look at the guitar in general was done by jazz and blues before metal was ever a genre. Except for perhaps back metal, everything in metal has been done by jazz and blues guitar players, just in a different way.
Off the top of my head:

Overkill (a few so-so releases but none I would call bad)
Morbid Angel
Agent Steel

Not being a dick but incase you were yet to notice, you can edit posts. :> I'd agree on some of those bands but Morbid Angel and Sodom? =p
Yep, jazz metal! Dimebag had a strong influence from jazz. Just pay attention to the solos and most of the riffs.

No, just no. Dimebag did not know shit about Jazz. In all his carerr he never even played a Jazz progression. He drew all his influence from Van Halen & Randy Rhoads, which neither one of them played Jazz either. I doubt Dimebag could play Jazz improv if his life depended on it. He was a Rock/Metal guy so I'm sure he could play some Blues, but Jazz is much further up on the evolutionary chain than Blues.

You're clearly wrong this time, my friend. I just wanted to point that out... You're probably joking anyways... So nevamind.